49. rando robbing pops

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jessica was going to be okay. madison was going to go outside to join jughead when she noticed something weird, cheryl walking in behind her mother on a bed.

betty and kevin asked her what happened. cheryl told them that their was a terrible fire at thornhill.

madison walked out to see jughead walking away from a few serpents.

"what's going on?" madison asked him.

"i asked them to see if they could find out anything. betty's mom thinks the serpents are responsible for this." jughead explained.

"i don't believe that." madison replied as jughead looked up at her.

"i know, i know." jughead said, wrapping madison into his arms and holding her tightly.


"wait, archie's where?" andrew asked.

"at the sheriff's station doing a lineup. he asked me to come and be here with fred until he gets back." betty explained.

"oh my gosh, that's gonna be traumatizing. we should go there." samantha said.

"wait, actually, can you guys do me a huge favor? mr. andrews' wallet is missing. we're thinking it might be at pop's. that or the guy who shot fred might have it." betty explained.

"well, if it's just some rando robbing pops, he probably took the money and got rid of it." andrew said.

"unless it wasn't just some rando. unless it was premeditated in some way." jughead spoke up.

"what? is that an actual theory?" veronica asked.

"not according to sheriff keller. but if you ask me, people have grudges, people have enemies. i mean, think of where we live. fathers are killing their sons. it's entirely conceivable this was a hit." jughead said.

"or maybe, the wallet is just at pops so, we'll check it out, betty." madison told her.

madison and jughead went out to the parking lot and she saw that jughead hopped on a motorcycle.

"really, a motorcycle?" madison asked.

"hop on." jughead told her.

"without a helmet?" madison replied.

"you can use mine. or we can walk. we can take a bus or... we can call your dad." jughead said.

"um, no, just... please, go slow, okay?" madison said, grabbing the helmet and getting on the back of the bike.

"oh. no, no, no. it's actually much more dangerous if we go slow. you are gonna need to hold tight." jughead said as the engine started.

madison wrapped her arms tightly around jugheads torso and they took off, heading to pops.


madison and jughead walked into pops and they saw all the blood on the floor.

"oh, my god." madison said.

"hey, are you sure you're okay being here?" jughead asked her.

"yeah, i'm fine jug." madison replied as jughead kissed her forehead.

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