36. the gun

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"we went to your dads trailer to-" andrew began but was cut off

"to search it, jughead." veronica finished

"why would you guys do that?" jughead asked

"my mom and bettys mom put them up to it." madison said angrily

"they were convinced he was hiding something about jason." betty added

"we were wrong, all of us. we didn't find anything." veronica said

"jug we were only doing it to prove that-"

"that my dad wasn't a murderer? you went behind my back, archie?" jughead said in a small tone

"jug.." archie tried

"how did you-? when did you guys know to go to my dads trailer?" jughead asked them

"we knew he'd be at dinner with-" andrew said but paused as jughead glared at madison then stared to walk away

"no." madison said walking to him

"that's why your mom invited my dad and i to dinner? so these three could break in while she interrogated him?" jughead asked

"no i had no idea that they were planning something like that." madison said

"but yes, that is why she invited you guys, and i'm so sorry jughead don't be mad at her." andrew said

"to think i was gonna pass on moving to toledo with my family for you." jughead said as madisons heart broke

"w-what." she choked out

"when we went to my dads trailer, you asked me if i believed him. i said i did. wasn't that good enough for you?" jughead asked her

"it was, it was more than enough. i tried to stop her." madison said

"you could've told me. you could've warned me about this madison." jughead said

"you seemed so excited, i didn't wanna be the one to disappoint you jug." madison told him

"so instead you lied? you all lied to me?" jughead argued


"there they are." kevin said rushing over

"betty, thank God." alice said trailer along with mary, fred, hermione, raymond, jessica and kevin

"mom don't." madison said

"no, you have to listen, all of you." hermione said

"yes please." raymond said

"my dad just told mayor mccoy about your dad, jughead." kevin said

"what about my dad?" jughead asked

"he was just arrested. for the murder of jason blossom." fred spoke

"and danielle was arrested for helping him." raymond said quietly

jughead ran off to his dads trailer

madison quickly ran after him but her heels restricted her but once she got to the trailer the door was locked and she tried to get in but he wasn't letting her in

she could hear him knock things over and it hurt her to hear his sobs

"jughead let me in please." she said and her voice cracked as the last word left her mouth

she was on the verge of a break down as well her sister had just been arrested for helping in a murder and she couldn't process it

she then banged on the door and yelled in anger then she went over to a table that was set outside and flipped it over and then hit her forehead against on the door

but then her emotions really set in and she turned around and knocked her head against the door as she slid down to the floor

"damn it!" she shouted hitting her fist on the floor of the steps on the trailer

once madison finally calmed down she left to call samantha with a pay phone since her cell phone had died

samantha agreed to pick her up at fps trailer so madison went back there only to see jughead was gone

once samantha picked her up she saw how broken down her baby sister was

"what happened maddie?" samantha asked

"i think jughead is done with me." madison said looking down at her palms

"not everything is meant to last sis." samantha said

"i love him sammie." she said quietly

"then fight for him." she replied as madison looked up at her sister

"drop me off at pops." madison told her


"pop, jughead hasn't been by has he?" madison asked

"no. you're not the only one who's come looking for him, though." pop tate said and madison turned to see archie, andrew and veronica sitting at a booth

"maddie. thank god." andrew said

"we were gonna call you." archie said

"i'm not talking to any of you right now." madison said turning to leave

"it's about jughead." andrew said as madison turned to face them once his name was mentioned

"i'm listening." she said

"kevin called me, and he said his dad found a gun, the gun that killed jason, in a lockbox in fp's closet." veronica explained to her

"but we searched fp's trailer and we looked through that same closet." andrew said

"and there was no lockbox. someone put it there after we left. he's being framed." archie said

hope you like this! i'm so excited to write the final episode i have so many ideas

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