42. out of prison

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danielle was down in the basement of the wyth worm for a smoke

then she saw mustang dragging a boys unconscious body down the stairs

"mustang what the hell!" danielle shouted as he flinched not noticing she was there

"dani get out of here." mustang warned her

"like hell im leaving." she responded back

"look dani just promise me you'll hide when clifford gets here." mustang said as she nodded

she did as told and went into one of the closets and she stayed there until she heard a gun shot

she slapped a hand over her mouth to stop her from letting out a scream. she was never one to get scared but in this moment she was terrified

"the deals done you may leave now." she heard clifford blossom speak to mustang she assumed

it was silent and she finally got out of the closet to see fp standing in front of the body that was sitting lifeless in the chair

"i-i can't be here." danielle said looking at fp

"call joaquin." fp said before she rushed up the stairs and she sat at a stool and pulled out her phone

"joaquin? you have to get to the bar quick it's bad fp needs help." danielle said with a shaky tone

"danielle what's wrong?" joaquin asked. joaquin was the only one amongst the serpents that she allowed to call her by her full name

"just promise you'll get here as quick as you can." was all she said before hanging up the phone and 5 minutes later she jumped at the sound of the door opening but she saw joaquin walk in and her nerves calmed down

"danielle what happened?" joaquin asked with a worried tone seeing she had been crying and she never liked to show her vulnerability

joaquin and her were very close so he'd seen her cry from time to time but right now she looked terrified and nothing could scare her unless it was losing her family

"i went out there and he was just-" danielle tried to say but got choked up causing joaquin to wrap his arms tightly around her in a hug

"down here!" fp said getting joaquin's attention as he went down in the basement but she stayed up there not wanting to have any part in it

once joaquin and fp returned upstairs they both seemed scared

"what now?" joaquin asked

"we go home." fp said simply

"i'll take dani back to my place." joaquin said as fp nodded

danielle shot up realizing it was a dream and she woke up in a motel room

"you okay?" she looked over to see joaquin sitting at the foot of the bed

"i just had a bad dream that's all." danielle replied

"it's only gonna get worse isn't it?" joaquin asked her

"yeah. it is." she said looking up at him


"so she just left town?" sheriff keller asked samantha

"yes. she felt like she didn't belong here anymore after being accused of helping in a murder." samantha hissed

"that will be all thank you mrs. montgomery." sheriff keller said letting samantha leave

samantha got in the car with her parents

"unfortunately this won't be the only drama in riverdale." jessica said

"what do you mean mom?" samantha asked

"it's hiram. he's getting out of prison and coming here." raymond explained to his daughter

oh my gosh this is so short but it's just a filler hopefully you like it

remember to leave questions for the characters, book or me cause i wanna do a Q&A

and unfortunately this will be the last time we see danielle. she'll possibly be mentioned in the last few chapters but i'm not positive yet

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