94. game over

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reggie was driving veronica and madison to the rec center

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reggie was driving veronica and madison to the rec center. veronica had a blonde wig while madison had a red one and she wore a blazer to cover her serpent tattoo.

"password?" the guy in front asked.

"contra." reggie said.

"nice try." the guy said.

"that's what it was last time." veronica said.

"it changes every time. what are your names?" he asked them.

"what's my name? what's your name? i'm monica norton and this is justine norton." veronica said.

"yea, perhaps you're familiar with warden norton?" madison asked.

"oh, of course." the guy said.

"good. we understand each other, then. my sister and my fiancé are here for the show. we want to see blood. the fighters blood. yours. i don't really care, as long as it's red." veronica said.

"but if we need to call warden norton to get us cleared-" madison began but she got cut off.

"ah, that won't be necessary, miss. sorry for the delay." the guy said moving to the side to let them in.

kevin was outside posing to be a delivery man and he was bringing their distraction plan inside the building disguised as soda cans.

reggie, madison and veronica got inside and they waited.

"i think it's starting." veronica said.

"oh, god." madison said once she saw archie being punched in the face.

betty and danielle were outside pulling the cords from the cops cars so they wouldn't be able to start.

josie and samantha were walking around the rec center posing as waitresses.

"care for a drink?" samantha asked.

"i just overheard some guards betting heavily against archie. they say he's going down." josie said.

"that other guys huge. i'm not sure archie's got long." reggie said.

"they have andrew waiting for when archie goes down." samantha said as they saw andrew standing to the side.

"okay. get in position. wait for my signal." veronica said as they all grabbed a soda can.

but outside, kevin was at the exit of the tunnel when he saw a lock on the gate.

all the sudden, he saw joaquin.

betty and danielle showed up to help kevin with the lock. kevin ended up going after joaquin.

as madison and veronica were walking, they saw hiram and he grabbed their arms.

"veronica, madison, what do you two think you're doing here?" hiram asked them.

"i could ask you the same, daddy. but i bet my answer is better than yours." veronica told him.

"whatever scheme you've cooked up, it ends right now." hiram said.

"sorry, daddykins. but this is gonna hurt you a lot more than it will me." veronica said as she stomped on his foot.

"game over." madison whispered as the two or them walked away.

veronica gave the signal and at the same time, veronica, madison, samantha, josie and reggie opened the pop cans and smoke came out.

they threw them into the middle of the room and walked away.

archie and andrew ran while the other fighter held off the guards.


betty finally got the lock off and they saw archie and andrew crawl out.

"red, you're bleeding." danielle said seeing he had a stab wound.

they helped the two of them out and they smiled.

"betty." archie said looking at her.

"hi." betty said with a bright smile on her face.

"dani, you came back for me." andrew said as she smiled.

"of course, i'd do anything for family." danielle said as they both smiled at each other.

"what took you so long?" archie asked.

"i could ask you the same thing." betty replied.

"we have some clothes for you guys." danielle said.

"here. put pressure on that. here, come here." betty said.

"hey, i gotta go. betty you know the rest of the plan." danielle said getting onto her bike and she felt a passenger get on.

she drove past the guards cars and they followed on their own bikes behind her.

danielle kept going as fast as she could, one little rock and they would both fly off.

once the cars forced her to come to a stop, she took off her helmet and so did the passenger, kevin.

"what can we do for you, fellas?" kevin asked them.

back at reggies car, veronica and madison were helping andrew and archie.

they heard police sirens and they all ducked. reggie helped archie into the backseat while samantha helped andrew.

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