7. revenge plan

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jughead had went to pops to talk to one of the scouts and found out that dilton doiley shot the gun on july 4th and was lying about it

madison and andrew were home trying to think of a revenge plan on chuck

then there was a knock on the door and raymond got it

"hey mr.montgomery." veronica said

"hey veronica wanna come in?" he asked

"actually i was hoping to talk to andrew." she told him

"andrew its for you." raymond said as andrew went to the door seeing veronica

"i'll leave you two to talk." raymond said walking away

veronica looked at andrew and saw his face was bruised up

"you face." she said gently placing her hand on his cheek

he grabbed her hand softly and looked at her

"it's fine ronnie." he told her

"i have a plan betty and i." veronica said as andrew nodded

"well come in." andrew said guiding her to the living room

veronica sat down on the couch where she explained to madison and andrew what her and betty had planned

"betty asked around school and ethel mugs told us about some play book the football team has to keep score." veronica explained

"playbook?" andrew questioned

"wait drew you don't know about this?" madison questioned

"no never heard of it." he replied

"we should find that book then we'll figure out what to do with chuck

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"we should find that book then we'll figure out what to do with chuck." madison said

kevin, betty, andrew, veronica, madison and ethel were all at the school late at night to find the playbook

"color me impressed." cheryl said

"cheryl what are you doing here?" madison questioned

"and where did you get those thigh high boots they're amazing." kevin said

"trevor who told val who told tina who told ginger who told me and i wanna help." she replied

"or debunk our investigation." betty argued

madison didn't wanna hear cheryl so her and ethel went to the locker room to find the book

"is that it?" madison questioned pulling out a book

"yeah they didn't even bother to hide it." ethel replied

"guys over here." ethel said as everyone came in the room

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