68. gang of hooligans

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betty was telling that gang how she found her long lost brother

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betty was telling that gang how she found her long lost brother.

"well, he is very fetching for someone who was living on skid row." veronica said when she saw his picture.

"yeah, he's a hottie who looks incredibly familiar to me, by the way." kevin said.

"your adventures in the woods?" jughead asked.

"i don't know. but maybe if we were allowed to meet this hottie in person-" kevin began but betty cut him off.

"chic is still acclimating. and i'm trying to get him to trust me, but my mom is treating him like he's a 10 year old, and my dad's acting like he's the devils spawn." betty said.

"that's tends to happen." andrew said.

"yeah, when dani came back, mom was happy to see her but dad is still on edge about it." madison said.

"well, i have an amazing idea. bring the omen to pickens day, and we can all meet him. everyone's coming, right?" veronica asked.

"no. because the serpents weren't invited." jughead said.

"the serpents were specifically asked to come." veronica told him.

"yeah, to provide security. it's like we're all on the snowpiercer train, but that serpents happen to be the ones eating the cockroaches." jughead said.

"you don't have to work if you don't want to." veronica said.

"the damage, as they say, has already been done. i'll talk to you guys later." jughead said.

"plans with toni?" betty asked him.

"yeah, i'm interviewing her grandfather for history class. oldest living serpent. i'll see you later." jughead said kissing madison before he left with toni.


everyone was out enjoying some food celebrating pickens day

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everyone was out enjoying some food celebrating pickens day.

the serpents found out that pickens day was just another way to get rid of the southside. the serpents got some posters and they came in together and protested.

"toni? maddie? andy? jughead? what the hell is going on?" veronica asked.

"we're here representing the dead and the silenced. pickens day is a lie. general pickens slaughtered the uktena tribe, my grandfathers family, and this land, the land that we're standing on, the land that will soon give way to a new southside, was stolen from them. and we can't bring them back. but we can and we must honor them." toni said which made hiram walk up on stage.

"hey, folks, hi. uh... i think we can all be proud to live in a riverdale where young people stand up for justice. where a young woman can defend the honor and legacy of her grandfather. and where we can celebrate a living legacy of the uktena, who contribute to the rick tapestry that is riverdale, that is the southside, and that will be sodale. so, let's hear a round of applause for that, am i right? that's right. what do you say, people?" hiram said making jughead angry but toni's grandfather pulled him back.

"no." he said.


jessica and raymond were sitting at home when jessica got a message from hermione.

"it looks like hirams plans are being fought against." jessica said.

"why do you say that?" raymond asked.

"because, someone took the head from the pickens statue." jessica told him.

"no doubt the gang of hooligans that our kids are apart of." raymond replied.

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