101. new law

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andrew got home after studying with betty and he saw samantha in the kitchen reading a book.

"hey, veronica is waiting for you up in your room." she told him.

"she is?" andrew asked.

"yeah, she said she needed to talk to you and that it couldn't wait." samantha replied as andrew nodded.

once he got up to his room, he saw veronica sitting on his bed crying.

"hey, ronnie. what's wrong?" andrew said sitting next to her.

"there's something i haven't told you. while you were away reggie and i- i started something with reggie. andrew i'm-" veronica began.

"ronnie. you don't have to explain yourself, okay? you didn't do anything wrong." andrew told her.

"andrew, when we broke up... i was angry. at my father for driving you away, but mostly at you, for not fighting to stay by my side. and the more time passed, the more i got tired of missing you." veronica said.

"how about now that i'm back?" andrew asked her as they locked eyes.

"oh, god, andrew. this is the worst time to be doing this." veronica said looking away.

"then let's not do this. at least not right now. let's finish this conversation tomorrow. but tonight... can we be together? will you please stay with me?" andrew asked as veronica nodded and she kissed him.

they started kissing more and she got on his lap and they removed their shirts.


"you have 30 minutes to complete the first portion of the sat math section

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"you have 30 minutes to complete the first portion of the sat math section. when you are finished, do not skip ahead to the other sections. i will issue a five minute warning, for your convenience, prior to the time limit. do you all understand? good. you may begin." the teacher said.

everyone began doing the test but not even two minutes into it, they heard someone get up and madison saw archie run out of the class.

"is there a problem?" the teacher asked but archie just left.

"archie." betty said getting up from her seat.

"if you follow him out that door, it's an automatic zero." the teacher said as betty let out a sigh and sat back down.

madison looked back at andrew and he gave her a small smile.

she knew that archie was going to be different now, she was just happy andrew hadn't changed.


later on that day, the whole town had heard the big news. hiram lodge had been shot and was now in the intensive care unit.

andrew heard and immediately went to the hospital to go see how veronica was doing. he got to the hospital and talked to the first nurse he saw.

"pardon me. room 260, lodge." andrew said as she pointed to the next room and andrew walked as fast as he could.

"ronnie." he said once he saw she sitting down in the waiting room.

"i am so sorry i missed your calls. i left my phone in my car." andrew said as she walked over to him and hugged him.

"you're here now." veronica replied.

"how is he?" andrew asked her.

"we don't know. he just got out of surgery." veronica replied as she pulled away from him.

"what happened, ronnie?" andrew asked as they locked eyes.

"he was shot. sometime after archie ran out of for SATs." veronica replied as andrews eyes went wide.

"veronica, do you really think he would do that?" andrew asked her as she looked down.

"do you?" veronica asked.

"i'm- i don't know. i'm just glad you're okay." andrew replied kissing her forehead.


jughead was throwing a party to cover up the fact that fangs had just murdered tall boy. as it turns out, he was the gargoyle king.

"serpents! we have a lot to celebrate. we finally unmasked our foe, the gargoyle king. hiram lodge, the man in black, is down for the count. and tonight, we are welcoming back one of our own, fangs fogarty." jughead said.

they all started chanting serpents when all the sudden they heard a police siren.

two people got out of the cop car and once they saw who it was they relaxed.

"dad." jughead said.

"dani?" sweet pea said.

"sheriff jones now, boy." fp said.

"and deputy montgomery, ladies and gents." danielle said.

"listen up! you're looking at the new law in riverdale." fp said.

"now, make some noise." danielle said as everyone cheered.

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