26. sleeping pills

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jughead was currently sitting in madison room

jughead was currently sitting in madison room

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madison's outfit^^

"so what happened with archie? did he talk to polly?" madison asked

"well yeah but he doesn't think polly is coming back." jughead said

"poor betty." madison said with a frown

jughead stood up and cupped her face and just as their lips where about to touch danielle barged in the door

"oh sorry did i ruin the moment?" danielle said looking around her room

"knock maybe? and what are you doing." madison said

"i'm looking for my cigarettes." she said looking in madison's closet

"well i don't have them, ask andrew." madison said as danielle groaned and left the room

once danielle was gone madison wrapped her arms around jugheads neck and pressed her lips to his

he tilted his head and melted even more under her touch

"come on let's get to school." jughead said grabbing her hand

once they got to school madison went over to veronica, betty and andrew

kevin walked over to veronica with a worried expression

"oh my god did you hear?" kevin asked veronica as she nodded her head no

"remember when you went swooping in to save ethel because you thought she might be suicidal?" kevin said

"oh no she? she didn't-" veronica stuttered

"no, but her dad did. he accidentally swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills. he's gonna be okay but-" kevin was cut off by veronica who quickly ran off

veronica went into the locker room and sobbed over the bathroom sink she looked at her reflection and then ripped her pearl necklace off

she watched as the pearls hit the floor and dropped to the floor and sobbed even harder

andrew, madison and betty rushed over

"i got this." andrew said

"but andrew that's the girls locker room." betty commented

"i don't care just stay here." andrew said opening the door seeing veronica in her emotional state

"oh ronnie." he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest

"it's okay baby." andrew said softly as if he didn't want anyone else to hear them

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