3. semi formal

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after the whole cheerleading fiasco samantha drove madison home and then samantha went over to her friends to get ready for the semi formal.

"you going to the semi?" andrew asked.

"yeah, i do have to take pictures for the yearbook after all." madison told her brother.

"did i hear semi formal!" jessica said in excitement.

"mom i'm not even gonna have fun there." madison whined.

"honey of course you are, now let's go get you a dress." jessica replied as andrew laughed.

"you two have fun." andrew said with a smirk as madison gave him the finger and walked off.


it was finally time for the semi formal and madison took one last look in the mirror.

and then headed downstairs to join her brother

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and then headed downstairs to join her brother.

"our babies are all grown up." raymond said.

"get close together i want a photo." jessica said as the twins groaned and rolled their eyes.

"they're perfect! now go have fun kids!" jessica said.

"but not too much fun." raymond said.


once andrew and madison arrived he had went to hang out with reggie while she had set up her camera.

madison looked over at the entrance to see archie, betty and veronica.

"mads you look amazing!" veronica said giving her a hug.

"and you look stunning." she replied as both girls smiled.

"did you bring a date?" veronica asked.

"no, i don't think anyone would have the guts to ask me considering what andrew would do." madison said with a giggle.

"may i steal her for a moment." andrew said looking to veronica.

"she's all yours." madison said walking away.

"mad-ugh." veronica said rolling her eyes.

"veronica lodge will you dance with me?" andrew asked her holding out his hand.

she thought about it for a second then grabbed his hand as they both smiled and andrew lead her out to the dance floor.

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