100. home and safe

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jessica was sitting at home alone. madison was with betty and danielle was helping fp.

she heard the door open but she didn't turn her head, she just read something off her phone.

"hi, sammie." jessica said thinking she had come home from school.

samantha was attending college. she was going to be a banker.

"hey, mom." she heard a voice say making her look up.

"andrew?" jessica said as tears filled in her eyes.

"yeah, mom. i'm back." andrew said with a smile as she ran over to hug him.

"you've grown a beard." jessica said as he chuckled.

"i did." andrew replied.

afterwards, jessica made him some food and they talked about why he came back.

"after archie got attacked by that bear, i never left his side. when the rangers found us they told me that he was probably dead. but he eventually came to and we brought him to the hospital and that's when we realized we couldn't keep running. it was time to come home, back to a normal life, i mean, if that's even possible at this point." andrew said.

"of course it is, son." jessica said placing her hand on top of his.

they both heard the door open and they saw madison walk in.

"drew?" madison said as he stood up and went to hug his sister

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"drew?" madison said as he stood up and went to hug his sister.

"i'm back, maddie. i'm not leaving you ever again." andrew said to her as she felt herself start to cry.

"i'm so happy you're okay." madison said.

after the emotional reunion with his twin sister, andrew made his way to la bonne nuit and he saw veronica lodge sitting in a chair with her back turned to him.

"ronnie?" andrew said making the girl turn around.

"andy?" veronica said taking off her reading glasses.

veronica got up from her chair and ran into his arms holding him tightly as his arms wrapped around her waist.

"what are you doing here? where have you been? why haven't you called me?" veronica asked.

"believe me, i wanted to. every single day. but after my last call..." andrew trailed off.

"you grew out your facial hair." veronica said.

"yeah, that's what my mom said too." andrew said with a chuckle but his face dropped once he saw veronica walk away.

"ron- veronica, i'm sorry. if you decide you don't ever wanna talk to me again, i'll completely understand your decision." andrew said as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"don't be crazy, andrew. i'm just so happy that you're home. and safe." veronica said pulling him closer to her before kissing him.


veronica and madison planned a welcome home party for archie and andrew

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veronica and madison planned a welcome home party for archie and andrew.

betty brought the two of them to the speakeasy and turned on the lights.

"surprise!" everyone shouted making archie and andrews face light up.

"what is all this?" archie asked.

"i'm glad you asked." madison said.

"well, it was going to be a study party, but that was before you guys came back home to us. so, now it's a study slash welcome home party. complete with a musical amuse bouche, provided by moi. so, take a seat, boys, and let me entertain you." veronica said before she started to sing.

madison sat next to jughead and her brother and she leaned over to andrew.

"you shaved off the beard." madison said.

"i thought i should freshen up. go back to my old looks." andrew replied.

their conversation came to a pause when they saw archie rush out of the room.

"hey, what's up with archie?" samantha asked.

"while we were gone, archie got attacked by a bear. he's been different ever since." andrew replied.

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