66. toxic masculinity

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southside high was shut down

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southside high was shut down. it looks like all the serpents were transferring to riverdale high.

they all walked into the school and they saw veronica, archie and kevin standing behind a table with books.

"friends. on behalf of the students and faculty here at riverdale high, welcome to you new school. to ease this transition, they've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars. we encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair riverdale." veronica said.

"stand down, eva peron." cheryl said walking over with reggie and some of the vixens.

"there is the school spirit i so fondly remember." jughead said.

"get ready for a storm." madison said to toni.

"cheryl, no one invited fascist barbie to the party." veronica said.

"wrong, veronica. no one invited southside scum to our school. listen up, rafamuffins. i will not allow riverdale highs above average gpa to suffer because of classrooms overcrowded with underachievers. so, please, do us all a favor and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways." cheryl said.

"why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" toni asked.

"happily, queen of the buskers." cheryl said.

"okay, guys. everyone. can we just out our northside southside differences apart and start over? a new slate?" archie asked.

"you don't speak for the bulldogs, andrews. and need i remind you, these greaser snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass." reggie said.

"time to finish what we started." sweet pea said.

"i am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now." veronica said.

"all right, that's enough pomp and circumstance. everyone, let's get to class. now." principal wheaterbee said.


they were all sitting in the student lounge and veronica went to introduce herself to some people.

"i don't think we've properly met, i'm veronica lodge." she said.

"of the park avenue lodges." jughead said as madison hit his arm.

"toni topaz." toni replied shaking ronnies hand.

"oh, like the purple colored gemstone. love it." veronica said.

"and i'm josie mccoy, formerly of the pussycats. now just josie. and this is kevin." josie said.

"what's your name?" kevin asked fangs.

"fogarty. or you can call me fangs. your last names keller, right?" fangs asked.

"how did you know that?" kevin asked.

"joaquin and i used to hang out. he talked about you all the time." fangs replied.

"you guys, yes, you. come with me. now." principal wheaterbee demanded.

when they walked out into the hall, they saw someone had painted a snake on top of the riverdale seal.

"which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?" principal wheaterbee asked.

"this is what they do, principal wheaterbee. they tag their turf." reggie said.

"my god, reggie, could you be any more transparent?" veronica asked.

"effective immediately: no gang behavior of any kind will be tolerated in my school. as of this moment, no more serpent jackets." principal wheaterbee said.

"what?" sweet pea asked.

"are you kidding me?" jughead asked.

"but principal wheaterbee-" madison tried.

"no more serpent jackets. all tattoos are gonna be covered. possession of any gang paraphernalia will lead to immediate suspension. are we clear? that's all." principal wheaterbee said.

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