55. the red circle

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archie had put up a video threatening the black hood

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archie had put up a video threatening the black hood. everyone had been watching it, jughead and madison saw the serpents watching it.

"hey, guess we're not watching funny cat videos." jughead said.

"check this out. some sick in the head northsider posted a crazy ass video, and we were just talking." sweet pea said.

"about what exactly?" madison asked.

"fogarty wants to earn his serpent stripes. i way being us that northsiders head, and you're in." sweet pea said.

"i'm down with that." fogarty replied.

"no, guys, no-" jughead said but got cut off.

"what, jones?" sweet pea asked.

"i know this guy. he's a milquetoast. he's a football player. it's kind of a lame target is all i'm saying. you wanna prove something? why don't you go after the black hood?" jughead asked.

"and why would we do that? the black hoods targeting northsiders, who do nothing but blame the southside for everything wrong with this town. and we're sick of it. black hood is doing our work for us. he's a hero." sweet pea replied.

later that day jughead and madison were working on a cipher code that was sent to betty and samantha.


the next night, toni, jughead, madison, betty and kevin were all in the trailer trying to crack the code together.

"these symbols look so familiar to me. it's like i've seen them before and it's driving me crazy i can't figure out where." betty said.

"maybe if you loosened your ponytail. what? that was a joke, guys." toni said.

"betty's ponytail is iconic and beyond reproach." kevin told her.

"kev, its fine. at this point, i'm willing to try anything." betty said, letting down her ponytail.

"per mrs. paroo's books, i've been looking for common- letter associations, like t-h, a-n, i-n-g." jughead said.

"i'm looking for doubles. double l. four letter words like kill." toni said.

"that's morbid." kevin said.

"we don't even know if it's in english guys, i mean this could be an anagram." jughead replied.

"you're right, we can't leave anything out." madison said.

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