44. radio rabel

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after school madison made her way over to the register and showed alice and hal her story about fp

"it's the best thing you've ever written. it's passionate. it's compelling. but-"

"you won't publish it. may i at least ask why?" madison asked letting out a sigh

"you're too involved. people are gonna think you wrote it as a favor to your boyfriends dad." alice explained to her

"but the difference is i didn't. i wrote it because it's the truth." madison defended herself

"it's one version of the truth madison." alice replied

"i see your point miss cooper, however you not letting me publish this story makes you just as worse as the whole town." madison said

"the other reason we don't want you publishing this anywhere is there's been reports of attacks on the southside." alice explained

"what attacks?" madison questioned

"madison, people not just the police, are going after the serpents. the whole town agrees with mayor mccoy. crime is spreading." hal spoke up

"no the whole town." madison mumbled

"there's real anger out there, madison. and they're needing to focus it somewhere. right now it's the serpents. us and your parents don't want you suddenly becoming a target." alice told her

alice had always liked madison despite her toxic relationship with jessica and raymond she believed that their kids were the only good in that family

"i understand, thank you for your time." madison said giving them a small smile before exiting the building

madison checked her phone to see a text from veronica

from v

hey come by bettys place we should all hang out :)

to v

i'll be there in 5!


"it's chilling. i'm telling you guys, there are some dark goings-on at thornhill." veronica said

"oh trust me when i was forced to be friends with cheryl i noticed. and when andrew started dating her we spent even more time with her and it was awful." madison said

"well not just at thornhill, town-wide. i can felt it. something wicked this way comes." betty said

"which reminds me i loved your article mads." veronica said to her

"aw thank you. i'm glad to hear you say that since i already posted it. on the blue and golds website of course, with hard copies circulating tomorrow morning." madison said with a smile

"now that's it's just us girls, and at the risk of us failing the bechdel test, are you legitimately okay with andrew and me being back together?" veronica asked

"oh course ronnie, after cheryl i didn't think he'd be happy dating another girl but he's the happiest i've ever seen him now that he's found you. and that's all that matters to me. and you of course being my best friend makes me happy that you've finally found someone that's good for you." madison said causing veronica to smile

"aw i miss this. gossiping, doing homework, being a rivervixen. basically just going to school." polly said walking in

"then come back." betty said

"mom doesn't want me to." polly replied

"naturally, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her." betty said

"someone call radio rebel and tell her the news cause i'm loving this idea." madison said with a smirk causing everyone to laugh


before madison could go home she received a text from archie telling her to go over and since she was only at bettys house it was next door so it took her 2 minutes to get there

madison knocked on the door and archie opened it and stepped outside shutting the door

"what are you doing?" madison asked

"were going to see fp." archie told her as she nodded and followed along

on the way to the sheriff station archie explained to madison how a social came to inform them jughead would be moving in with a foster family on the southside and transferring to southside high

once archie explained it all to fp he told archie that he wasn't getting out anytime soon

"and madison." fp said causing her to look up at the man

"don't give up on him. he's going to try to go to the dark side, he'll try to disappear into himself and push you away but you don't let him. you don't give up." fp said looking into her brown eyes

"i won't mr jones. you have my word." madison replied as he nodded believing her 100%

"not a doubt in my mind. you remind me a lot of your sister you know? dani would've done anything to protect the people she cares about." fp told her as madison gave him a small smile

"is she doing alright?" fp asked

"she um left town after she was realsed." madison told him as he nodded

"such a shame. she was one of the most loyal people i've ever met." fp said as madison nodded

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