38. level of stupid

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madisons outfit^^

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madisons outfit^^

the gang was at lunch sitting in the cafeteria, madison was sitting next to betty and archie was across from them with andrew and veronica

"the police report said fp and danielle were the only ones responsible." betty said reading the newspaper

"no mention of your dad though. so that's good news, right babe?" andrew said to veronica

"i can't stop thinking that... maybe my dad hired another serpent to plant that gun and put danielle's finger prints on them." veronica said as andrew grabbed her hand causing her to look up at him and give him a small smile

"it's surreal isn't it?" kevin said sitting beside madison

"how's jughead doing?" kevin asked looking to madison

"how do you think?" madison asked

"but how are you guys doing? i mean your sister was arrested too." betty said looking between madison and andrew

"i don't wanna think about that right now." madison said softly as both twins went quiet unsure what to say

"jughead's not coming in today. he's at the station." archie explained changing the subject

"being grilled by your dad." veronica said looking at kevin

"who's just doing his job. i mean of course he's gonna ask jughead questions." kevin replied

"well he's wasting his time kevin. fp didn't kill jason and i'm sure as hell danielle didn't either." andrew muttered

"andrew they confessed." kevin reminded him

"or they were coerced. or they're protecting someone. maybe a serpent. my mom saw him and joaquin together." betty spoke up

"don't. do not drag my boyfriend into this." kevin argued

"what do you-"

"oh no." archie said

"what?" madison and andrew said

they all turned to see jughead walking into the cafeteria

"what happened to him not coming in today?" veronica said

jughead went over to cheryl to apologize and then she slapped him and hit his chest

archie grabbed cheryl away and principal wheaterbee came storming in

"mr. jones, you need to come with me. right now." principal wheaterbee said sternly

"he was apologizing. he didn't do anything wrong." archie said

"right now!" principal wheaterbee said as jughead went with him to his office

betty went into the locker room to talk to cheryl while madison went over to the principals office to see jughead

once she heard the door slam she looked over knowing she would see jughead who was rushing out of the office

"what happened in there?" madison asked

"my second interrogation of the day. don't know who's more of a dick, keller or wheaterbee." jughead said

"hey, don't listen to them okay?" madison said grabbing his hand

"everyone else is wrong. your dad and my sister are innocent and ill do anything to prove it." madison said and then she was called to the principals office

"good luck." jughead said giving her the best smile he could muster at the moment

"thanks i'm gonna need it." madison said kissing his cheek as she went to the station along with andrew and samantha


"so the montgomerys, you guys have a history of being involved with the law." sheriff keller said

"correction. our parents do." samantha said

"yes but you three have been interviewed by policemen numerous of times." sheriff keller said reading it off the file he had of their family

"oldest danielle montgomery, then we have samantha. your record is clean, your grades are flawless and some extracurriculars too. bright future ahead of you." sheriff keller said as samantha simply nodded in response

"next is andrew. grades are decent but i see you're a sports player and you have a history of getting into fights. and your medical records tell me you're a very anxious person." sheriff keller said as andrew clenched his jaw

"and last we have madison. also good grades, on the year book committee and also work on the school paper. and your records are clean as well." sheriff keller said

"so do you three think you can answer a few questions without the usual level of sarcasm." sheriff keller asked

"that depends do you think you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid?" andrew said with a smirk

after asking the montgomery siblings many questions regarding danielle they were free to go

i make too may teen wolf references sue me. anyways hope you like this chapter!

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