54. the ghoulies

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mr. philips agreed to re open the red and black under the conditions that jingle jangle isn't involved with it.

toni, madison and jughead were in the old writers room looking around the dusty room.

"well, it's no new york times." jughead said.

"it'll do for now." madison said.

"but, hey, kudos on finding your safe space, snowflake." toni told the couple.

the door opened to reveal some serpents walking in.

"topaz. let's bounce. jones, montgomery, wanna come with? we're going down to the quarry." one of the serpents asked.

"uh, i don't have my beach bod yet." jughead joked.

"what? you'll ask for help from the serpents when you need it, but you won't hang with us? don't come crawling to us, hat in hand, when some ghoulie decides to earn his stripes by taking out fp jones' kid and make danielle montgomery come out of hiding by taking out her little sister and brother." sweet pea told them.

"thanks for the advice but i'm pretty sure i can handle things on my own." madison said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"duly noted. thank you, sweet pea. i appreciate what you and the serpents have don't for me and my dad. i do. but i'm done. okay? no more favors coming your way." jughead said.

sweet pea came closer to jughead but toni put her hand in front of him.

"hey, hey, he made up him mine, okay? take the hint, sweet pea. he's just not that into you. let's motor. catch you later jones and montgomery." toni said as she walked out with the serpents.


madison and jughead were still at the school that night cleaning up the red and black office.

"who knew serpents could be so cold." madison said.

"maddie, why did you come to the southside with me?" jughead asked her.

"me and andrew decided that we wanted to get a taste of danielles life and maybe understand why she ran away. but i'm also here to make sure you don't get hurt." madison said wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.

"you don't have to worry about me." jughead told her wrapping his arms around her waist as their lips met.

they heard the door open and betty walked in with a box.

"oh, sorry to intrude." betty said as the couple pulled apart.

"betty." madison said excitingly.

"so, this is the red and black." betty said, closing the door behind her.

"you cannot be here at night unless you are armed." jughead told her.

"well, i am." betty said, holding up a coffee machine.

"okay, honestly? i hit pay dirt. do you remember how no one could explain the local component of clifford blossoms drug pipeline? that jingle jangle, the stuff moose and midge were on? it's coming from here. i know that my dad said that serpents never deal hard drugs, but the ghoulies do." jughead explained.

"well, is it wise to be writing about gangs and drugs while you guys are going to school here?" betty asked.

"aw, b are you worried about us?" madison asked.

"well, yeah, maddie." betty replied.

"you, betty cooper have nothing to worry about." madison told her giving her a hug.

they heard the door open and toni walked in, holding a box.

"hey, sorry guys. i didn't see the sock on the door." toni joked.

"it's fine." madison replied.

"hey, toni. ah... betty this is toni. she is one of the photographers for the newspaper." jughead explained.

"oh." betty replied.

"this is betty. this is one of our friends." madison explained.

"hi, toni." betty said shaking her hand as toni smiled.

"hey, look what betty got us." jughead said showing her the coffee maker.

toni looked into her box and pulled out a coffee maker as well.

"great minds." toni said.

"great minds." betty repeated with a smile.

after betty had left to go see kevin, toni also left to go home for the day.

madison and jughead were working when madisons mom texted her to come home.

"hey, i've gotta get home but i'll see you tomorrow." madison told him as she went to walk out.

"madison?" jughead said making her turn around.

"yea-." madison was cut off when jughead pressed his lips to hers softly and her eyes snapped shut.

"i love you." jughead told her.

"i love you too." madison replied.


madison went over to jugheads trailer because he told her that someone beat him up when she left last night.

"i knew i shouldn't have left." madison said, cleaning the cuts on his face.

"it's not that bad. just some cuts and bruises." jughead replied.

"still, if i find out who did this, there's going to be hell to pay." madison told him as jughead smiled at her.

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