63. family of five

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jughead and madison went to pick up fp and the second he saw jughead a smile appeared on his face

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jughead and madison went to pick up fp and the second he saw jughead a smile appeared on his face. he got out and he gave jughead a hug.

"hey, madison." fp said.

"hi, mr. jones." madison said back.

"jessica?" fp said when he saw her.

"it's nice to see you, fp." jessica replied.

they all got into the car and jessica drove to pops and they started to tell fp what was going on.

"the black hood is targeting sinners, so i'd watch my back if i were you, fp." jessica said.

"you're one to talk, jess. and i'm not going back to the serpents anyway. i thought a lot about this while i was in shaankshaw, and i'm done with serpent life. it's gonna be one last ride for my boy and i, but it's too much of a slippery slope for me." fp said.

"the serpents need you, dad." jughead told him.

"jughead needs you, mr. jones." madison said.

"and what, pray tell, will you be doing with all of your extra time, fp?" jessica asked him.

"working, warden montgomery. i saw a hell wanted sign in the window. thought i'd talk to pop about picking up some shifts." fp said.

"let's just hope you can maintain your drinking." jessica said.

"actually, i'm in A.A. started in jail, and i don't plan on stopping." fp replied.


the next day jughead and madison were in pops and fp was the one who was working

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the next day jughead and madison were in pops and fp was the one who was working. pops had given him the job.

they turned their heads when they heard a glass shatter and they saw cheryl.

"clean that up, plebe. the way you did my brothers blood." cheryl said to fp as jughead got up.

"jug, don't. i'll get you another milkshake right away. on the house." fp said.

"my dad used to be a king, a leader of men. now he's being demeaned by the likes of cheryl blossom? he deserves to be honored, not humiliated." jughead said.

"so, we should do just that. we can throw your dad the best damn retirement party ever. one fit for a king. and you don't even have to worry, i'll take care of everything." madison said kissing his cheek.


archie, andrew and veronica were at the house that betty and samantha had went to. it was dark out and ronnie was a little scared.

"if sheriff howard kept coming back here all those years ago, there must be a reason why. something that didn't, or doesn't completely add up." andrew said.

"so, what does the article say happened?" veronica asked.

"the reaper came at night, when the rest of the town was getting ready for bed. he killed the mother, mary ellen conway, first. maybe over there." archie said.

veronica found a old photograph with broken glass and dried up blood on it.

"he killed the father, jim conway, in the kitchen. he was rushing to save his wife. he was shot point blank in the chest. the kids were still in their bedrooms." archie said.

"hiding. my god, guys." veronica said.

"they were hiding under the bed." archie said.

they walked all through the house and saw the blood under the bed.

"archie? it was a family of four that was killed, right?" veronica asked as her and andrew saw something strange on the door

"yeah, why?" archie asked.

"there's something weird here." veronica said.

"there's three sets of initials." andrew said.

archie looked in the corner of the room and he saw a box. they opened it and they saw a bunch of files in them.

"these are sheriff howard's files. his notes. he kept them here so he could keep working on the case." archie said.

"does it say anything about a third child? with letters j and c?" veronica asked as archie flipped through the papers.

"wait, wait, wait. turn that back. oh, my god, guys. there. the conways were a family of five." veronica said looking at the photograph of the family.

"then who's the other child?" andrew asked.

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