86. labor day weekend

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there was a short intermission and veronica grabbed andrews hand and brought him over to the side.

"i can't do this, ronnie. they're using my biggest mistakes against me and i don't-" andrew was cut off when veronica smashed her lips on top of his.

"what was that for?" andrew asked her as she let out a sigh.

"to let you know that everything is gonna be okay, because it will. i won't let you take the fall for this." veronica told him as andrew grabbed her hand and they walked over to the others.

"have you guys seen archie?" betty asked.

"i think he went over to the stairs." samantha said as they went over to him.

"archie. there you are." betty said as she sat beside him.

"how you holding up, bud?" jughead asked him.

"yeah, good, jug." archie replied.

"what were you thinking about just now?" betty asked him.

"how you're both gonna walk out of this courthouse a free man?" madison said hopeful.

"no, i... there was this place... we've never been before, ronnie, but betty maddie, andrew and jug, do you guys remember sweetwater swimming hole? how we went there every summer." archie said making the gang smile.

"how could i forget." madison said.

"it was a similar time." andrew said letting out a sigh.

"i was just thinking about that place earlier." jughead said.

"yeah, me too. what made us stop going?" betty asked.

"oh. probably when we got covered in leeches." jughead replied.

"was that us, or was that a movie?" betty asked.

"that was definitely us." archie said.

"that was us.' jughead said.

"totally us." andrew and madison said.

"i'd like to go. hopefully you can take me, drew?" veronica said looking at her boyfriend.

"yeah, i hope so." andrew replied.

"guys. it's time. judge asked us back into the courtroom." kevin said.


"the jury is still deliberating. but i've dismissed them. they're sequestered, and i've instructed them not to read anything about this case nor to discuss it with anyone. we'll reconvene tuesday morning, after labor day. my advice to you two, young men, is to spend this weekend with your family and your loved ones. that's all." the judge said.

everyone was walking out of the courtroom when hiram said something.

"hey, archie. have a terrific weekend." hiram said as fred approached him.

"fred!" mary shouted before fred punched hiram in the face.

jughead and archie grabbed fred and dragged him away from hiram.


the gang was sitting at pops and jughead passed madison her milkshake and she thanked him with a kiss.

"if only we could find the gun that andre used to kill cassidy." betty said.

"i've torn the pembrooke apart. after the riots, my father wiped any and all traces of andre." veronica said.

"he wouldn't have brought it back from shadow lake so, that's probably where he ditched it." jughead said.

"so, what? we go back to shadow woods? we've looked." betty said.

"then we look again." madison said.

"yeah, with metal detectors this time." jughead said.

"if we get andres gun, we can plant it on-" veronica went to say.

"no." andrew and archie said at the same time.

"i think i can speak for both red and i when i say we're done sleuthing." andrew said.

"i don't wanna spend what could be my last weekend looking for evidence that isn't there, planting it who knows where." archie said.

"guys, we have three extra days to prove that you're both innocent." betty said.

"it's not worth it." andrew said.

"what would you have us do, babe?" veronica asked.

"simple, what the judge said." andrew said.

"after the worst summer ever, i want us to have a great, normal labor day weekend. can we do that?" archie asked as betty nodded.

"it's that's what you really want." betty said placing her hand on top of hers.

"so, what should we do?" jughead asked.

they all turned their heads once they saw cheryl walk into pops.

"greetings, chums. i wanted to let you know that after the three amazing months i just had with toni, riding on motorcycles cross country, we're celebrating with an epic end of summer pool party at thornhill. and you're all invited. of course, given the fact that archie and andrew will most likely be walking the green mile while the rest or us are walking the stage at graduation, i understand if you're not up for it. invite whoever you want, but give them a fair warning, i'm in that mood for some hell raisins. toodles." cheryl said before walking away.

"thanks for the vote of confidence, cheryl." andrew mumbled as madison put her hand on his shoulder.


the next morning, andrew was with his sisters and they were having a talk

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the next morning, andrew was with his sisters and they were having a talk.

"guys if i do go away-" andrew began.

"stop." samantha said.

"you're not going anywhere, little brother. not if i have something to do with it." danielle said.

"if i'm proven guilty you guys have to promise me you'll frame hiram." andrew said.

"let's hope it doesn't come to that." madison said.

"but if it does you guys have to promise me." andrew said.

"you have my word." danielle said.

"me too." samantha said.

"i promise you, andy." madison said.

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