How You Meet

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Chance: You're walking around LA with your sister, trying to find an outfit appropriate for an interview with one of the biggest record labels, Hollywood Records. "Do I wear a dress? Or do I go with something conservative?" You ask your sister as you walk down the sidewalk in front of the shops. "I think they want you to look like yourself. Wear something you would normally wear," she replies. You nod. "A dress it is." You look over at her, taking your eyes off of the sidewalk in front of you for just a second. Your legs hit something and you stumble, catching your balance and look down. You see an adorable little girl standing there with wide, brown eyes staring back up at you. "Hi there! I didn't see you. Are you alright?" You squat down in front of her with a friendly smile. She smiles back then and nods. "I okay!" She cheers. You smile more. "You are so cute! What's your name?" You reply. "Brooklyn! There you are! You can't run ahead of me like that! I could have lost you!" A voice shouts and you see a guy jogging over with a worried look on his face. "She's okay. She ran into me and we were just talking," I say, standing up. He picks Brooklyn up into his arms and looks at you. You are mesmerized by his dark eyes, but the closer you look, the more you realize he seems familiar. "Thank you for watching her," he responds quietly and you nod, smiling a bit. "You're Chance right? I recognize you from the Boyband show." He bites his lip slightly, clearly nervous then. "Don't worry. I won't draw attention to you," You add quickly. "Thank you. I appreciate that." "She's adorable by the way and such a sweetheart," you say after a minute. Chance smiles then and you can't help but smile back because it's so contagious. "Isn't she?" He comments. "What's your name?" He adds. "Y/N." "Well it's really nice to meet you Y/N, but we really have to get going," Chance responds. "No daddy! I like her!" Brooklyn pouts. You laugh and smile, tapping her nose lightly, causing her to giggle. Chance smiles more. "I've never seen her like someone immeidately like this before. How about a coffee?" He asks. You raise an eyebrow. "I thought you had to go?" You tease. Chance chuckles and shrugs. "The boys can clean by themselves." You laugh and nod. "Coffee sounds great."

Michael: This actually isn't the first time you met. You had gone to the meet and greet in Chicago a few months ago, but now they were in Chicago for some interviews. You didn't know that at the time. You are walking home from your job, past tired and frustrated from having to work a double shift. You walk briskly down the sidewalk, your hands shoved in the pockets of your raincoat. You pass Millenium Park and decide to sit on the bench beside the water towers. You pull out your notebook and start doodling absentmindedly. Suddenly you hear a few voices talking and laughing loudly. You look up and see five boys chasing each other between the two towers. One of the boys notices you then and smacks the back of his hand against one of the other's chests. They all quiet down then and the one who noticed you walks over hesitantly. "Sorry, we didn't realize anyone would be out here this late," he apologizes for himself and the other boys. As he gets closer, you realize that he is Michael Conor from In Real Life. Your eyes widen and you take a deep breath, trying not to panic. "It's fine. I just needed to clear my head," you reply. "Can I ask why you are out so late?" He sits down beside you and you bite the inside of your lip. "I had a double shift at work. I needed some fresh air before I head home." He nods slightly and leans back against the wall. "At least you are done now," He points out. You bite your lip and turn toward him hesitantly. "This is going to sound crazy, but do you remember me?" You ask cautiously. Michael looks at you and raises an eyebrow. "Should I?" He replies. "I was at the meet and greet you guys did in Chicago in October. I know there were a lot of fans there and you've met thousands more since then, but it was worth a shot," you explain. Michael gives you a small smile. "A fan huh? Hm..." He studies you for a moment, causing you to blush deeply. "I'm sorry. I wish I remembered you because you are beautiful," he says finally. You blush more and your eyes widen. "What what?" You stutter. "We should hang out sometime," he adds as though he didn't hear your question. You take a chance then and tuck your notebook into your bag. "Lucky for you, I happen to have just finished my shift for the night," You reply. Michael grins and stands up. "Alright then. Let's go."

Sergio: You stand in line, bouncing around anxiously and excitedly. "I can't believe I'm about to meet In Real Life!" You shriek to your friend, who is standing in the line with you. She laughs. "Calm down!" "I can't! We are literally one person away from meeting them!" The boys are at a table in the back of the room and the last girl that was in line before you is having her picture taken. You bite your lip nervously as the girl waves goodbye and their manager tells you to go up to the table. "Hi, what's your name?" Michael asks and they all smile and turn their attention to you. You feel your heart pounding in your chest and your hands are shaking as you set your poster on the table. "Y/N," you reply as calmly as possible. Sergio smiles more and looks at you after he finishes signing. "How long have you been waiting?" He asks. "Oh gosh, uh, three hours maybe?" You estimate. "Oh wow. Well, thank you for waiting to meet us," he replies. "Can I ask for hugs?" You ask nervously. "Of course you can!" Chance answers. You smile a bit and hug each boy individually, hugging Sergio especially happily. You then take your picture and go to grab your poster. Sergio whispers osmething to Drew and slips something into his hand.  Drew looks up at you and smiles, slipping a piece of folded paper into your hand. You raise an eyebrow and the manager forces you to move out of the way for the next girl to come through. "Have a good rest of your day!" Brady calls as you walk out. You unfold the paper curiously and your mouth falls open. There is a phone number on it. Better yet, Sergio's name is above it. Your friend squeals and hugs you tightly. "He gave you his number!" She whispers. You bite your lip and grin as you guys leave, prepared to text him later that night.

Drew: "Go introduce yourself to the neighbors," your mom instructs, handing you a basket of muffins. "Seriously mom? This is so cheesy," you groan. She gives you a stern look and you roll your eyes, sighing slightly. You head outside and slowly walk over to the neighbors to your left. You stand at the foot of their driveway and admire the simple white siding and brown accents, making it feel traditional. You take a deep breath and walk up the path to the front door. You ring the doorbell, tapping your foot as you wait for someone to answer. "Drew! Can you get that?!" You hear someone shout from inside. Footsteps approach the door and when it opens, you come face to face with a gorgeous, dark-eyed boy with a crisp jawline. You blink a few times and bite the inside of your lip as you think about how cute he is. "Can I help you?" He asks after you don't say anything. "Oh, uh, I'm your new neighbor, Y/N. My mom wanted me to come by and give you guys these muffins," you explain, holding out the basket. "That's so cheesy," he mumbles, setting the basket inside the doorway. You laugh and shrug. "leave it to my mom to be cheesy." He laughs as well and it rings through your ears. "I'm Drew," He says. "It's really nice tyo meet you," you reply. "I look forward to getting to know you," he says with a wink. You bite your lip and nod, breaking into a smile. "Yeah, me too."

Brady: Your mom dragged you to the movies to see the sequel to Batman V. Superman. You didn't like that movie, so you assumed you wouldn't like Justice League. You trudge into the theater with some popcorn and an icee and plop down, immediately scrolling through your instagram. You see a post from Brady from In Real Life and you notice he's at the movies too. You shrug and like the post and continue scrolling. Someone sits down beside you, but you pay no attention. "You don't look very thrilled to be here," a voice says. You look up from your phone and lock eyes with Brady. "Oh, I, you, you guys are in New York..." you stutter, mentally slapping yourself in the forehead. He chuckles and shrugs. "Yeah we are. We have a day off. I needed something to do," he replies. "Oh. My mom wants to see this movie, but I didn't even like the the first movie," you admit. "This was the only one that sounded interesting to me," Brady comments. You nod and take a sip of your icee. "Gotcha." "So, what's your name?" He asks. "Y/N," you say quietly. He smiles. "pretty name for a pretty girl." You blush as the lights go down. Brady smiles more and gets comfortable. "Let's do something after this," he whispers. You smile and nod, getting comfortable as well. "Sounds like a plan."

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