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"Well thanks for nothing" Jac glared at her phone Jonny had just told her that his new girlfriend had booked a surprise trip to New York , they were leaving this afternoon and therefore he would be unable to pick Emma up and have her overnight.
She was still furious and trying to think of solution when Fletch knocked and entered her office brandishing two coffees
" 2 for 1 in pulses today, thought I'd take advantage- shit what's wrong" There was practically steam coming out of Jac's ears it wasn't hard to tell something was up.
" just Jonny. Why are all men unreliable, feckless bastards?" "Thanks" she added begrudgingly as she accepted the coffee.
"Well do you want to tell this unreliable, feckless bastard what the problem is' he said taking a seat
She took a sip of coffee marvelling how she felt just a little calmer just by him being in the room. Get a grip Naylor
" Jonny was supposed to be picking Emma up from the crèche and keeping her overnight because I'm working late and in early tomorrow but apparently going on a last minute trip with his girlfriend to New York is more important than his daughter" Jac sagged in the chair  "now I'm trying to come up with a solution"
"Well that's easy- I finish at 5 and I have to pick Theo up anyway, I'll collect her and take her back to mine. Emma and Theo are thick as thieves anyway and the others will love her as well. You can pick her up later or she can bunk in with Ella and stay for the night" he smiled
" I can't ask you to do that fletch, I'll work something out"
"For god sake woman stop being so proud and accept some help. It's no bother. I want to do this for you "
Jac remembered how good Fletch was with Emma when she wouldn't settle at the crèche and how he cheered her up with the spider song. She remembered how it had melted her heart a little bit.
"Well you are the spider song king. She goes on about you all the time she loves you" Jac smiled a little embarrassed.
"Well who wouldn't, I'm very lovable. That's settled then, you let the crèche know. I'll text you my address and you can decide whether she stays or you pick her up later." And with that he left
"Shit" she said to herself. Maybe it wasn't only Emma that had a little crush on Fletch

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now