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God it's only been a couple of weeks but I've missed waking up next to her he thought as he lay in bed the next morning listening to her steady breathing and hearing vague stirring in the rest of the house. He felt content, settled, happy.
He slipped out of bed and went down to start breakfast and taking her a tray up he walked back into their room just as she was stirring.
"Morning sleeping beauty" he grinned "breakfast"
"Ooo I'm starving" she laughed softly. He was suddenly overwhelmed with love for this woman. He'd missed her so much even though he had seen her every day.
"Ok let's eat then"
As Jac was tucking into her fruit and yogurt he asked the question he'd been thinking about last night
"Jac, we never discussed the fact that you'd been pregnant in all this. Have you ever thought about it? Mourned the loss of it?"
Jac put down her spoon, " I had a lot of time to think in hospital. Fletch I love our family as it is. Maybe if we'd not had as many kids between us or if we'd both been a bit younger I would have wanted a child of our own and in all honesty I don't think I would have been able to go through with a termination because any baby would have been part of both of us ; but fate stepped in and removed that choice and it's hard to admit it but despite all the complications I'm relieved. What about you?"
"I am ashamed to admit that I really didn't give it much thought I was so focussed on you being ok. I did tell you I felt incredibly guilty about getting you pregnant in the first place..."
"And I told you it takes two to tango" she interrupted
He smiled "yes you did and yes it does" he winked "I agree Jac our family is pretty perfect to me and we would've managed with another one but we don't have to. You're right though it's hard to admit to being relieved. I'm glad we feel safe enough to be able to be so honest with each other"
"I spent a lot of years not admitting my feelings to anyone- not even myself sometimes but now you've opened the floodgates so you get all the emotion and honesty smack in the face mister"
He laughed "bring it on Naylor. Anyway when you're a bit better, I've decided I'm gonna have the snip"
"Ouch"she said
"Yeah ouch" he agreed feeling slightly queasy at the thought

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