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I still can't believe I 'm in this situation Jac thought as she finished brushing her teeth. It felt like everything had finally fallen into place in her life. The family unit she'd craved as a child was finally hers. And Fletch. Fletch was so good for her and she found it difficult to put into words how much she loved him.
He came into the bathroom behind her and put his arms round her waist
"Hi roomy" he said beginning to nuzzle her neck
"Fletch you know what that does to me " said Jac trying to wriggle free but he held her fast. "I know exactly what it does to you, why do you think I'm doing it" he continued
Jac managed to turn round in his arms and kissed him "we either close this door or move to the bedroom" Jac breathed.
" oooh sex in the bathroom on your first night. Kinky Naylor " he chuckled. " it's not my first night"retorted Jac. " first official night shut the door"
Later as they lay in bed Jac felt she was safe enough to wear her heart on her sleeve
"I can't remember ever being this happy Fletch" she realised she was crying
"Me either" he held her close "are you crying?"
"Shut up I will seriously hurt you if you ever tell anyone" she punched him lightly in the chest.
" I think it's very endearing and makes me love you just a little bit more" he kissed her

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now