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Apologies if any of this is wrong
Where was this going he thought
"Other than hospital gossip, which I take little interest in, I don't know what happened between you and Natalie" Jac said gently touching his arm
Again Fletch sighed "well I was a complete bastard. Me and Nat had been together no time at all before we got married. At first it was great, I left my job and did my nursing training we had Evie and Mikey and then I had to start working more in the ED when I qualified. We saw less of each other and then we had Ella. Anyway here's the part where I'm a bastard" he glanced at Jac. "I had affair with Tess Bateman senior nurse. Not sure if you knew her - anyway, Nat suspected but I of course being a spineless idiot denied it. Nat got pregnant with Theo, Tess was pregnant but got rid of it, it was a mess . I confessed to Nat she quite rightly kicked me out,we weren't even together when Theo was born.
I moved to AAU that didn't get off to a great start" he laughed "it turned out Colette worked there"
"Colette Sheward?" Jac questioned
Fletch kissed the back of her hand
" yes Colette Sheward. My ex fiancé Colette Sheward. Colette Sheward who left me on our wedding day yep that's her"
" didn't know that." " I had a few run ins with her - usually about my treatment of nurses" she cringed."she was friendly with Jonny I seem to remember we clashed over Guy Self" Jac shuddered at the thought. Sorry. Go on" she encouraged. Jac realised that she wanted to know all about his past good and bad.
"I was on duty when Nat and her friend came in. Fallen over on a night out. She let the whole ward and patients know what I'd done. I still cared though Jac,I was there when she died. Then I was left with 4 kids and we were all devastated. That first night I had to take them to Nat's house. I stood looking at them when they finally went to sleep in the same bed I made a silent vow to sort myself out. No more womanising, be a good dad. Didn't quite nail that at first but I think I'm pretty sorted now. And definitely no more womanising. You ms Naylor are more than enough for any man"

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