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Jac was in the shower thinking about the amazing weekend she had shared with Fletch. She found it hard to believe that from those months of him supporting her both before and after the shooting that they were now in the best relationship she'd ever had. She couldn't help thinking that something was bound to go wrong. She tried to put that thought out of her mind and got dry.
"Good weekend?" Jonny asked when he dropped Emma off
"Yeah good thanks. Listen you'll get to hear next time you see Emma but I'm seeing someone. It's been going on for a while but we're going to tell the kids tonight "
"Kids? Plural?"
"He's got 4. Emma loves spending time with them"
"As long as she's happy I'm good with that. I want you to be happy too Jac"
"Thanks" she said and gave him an awkward kiss on the cheek
Very soon Emma and Jac were on their way to Fletch's. Jac had packed an overnight bag for them hoping that everything went well.
"Hi" Fletch said as he answered the door. " you ok?"
"Yep. You?"
"More than good " he grinned
"Hey scamp go and find the others. Pizza will be here in a minute"he said to Emma who ran off to the kitchen.
Fletch pulled Jac into a hug- "you're sure you want to do this?"
They went to the kitchen and served up the pizza which arrived soon after.
After a while Fletch asked for quiet.
"Jac and I have got something to tell you - we're in a relationship" as he reached for Jac's hand nervously awaiting their reaction
Evie rolled her eyes " god it's so obvious Dad, we've known for weeks"
" we all think it's cool. She's not Jacula anymore " said Mickey.
Jac burst out laughing and punched Fletch in the arm "jacula? You'll pay for that Fletcher "
"Oww" " So you're sure you're all ok with this" he gestured to their entwined hands.
"Yes" they all replied "like I say we've known for weeks you're rubbish at hiding it you know" confirmed Evie
"Can we go and watch telly now"asked Ella
"Of course" they said together
"Mummy will Ella be my new sister?"asked Emma
Jac bent down and hugged her daughter. Let's just say she can be your extra special Friendster. Cross between a sister and a friend"
"Ok" smiled Emma and skipped off
"Nicely handled mum"
"You be quiet I haven't forgiven you for jacula yet" with that Jac started to tickle and play fight him. He soon overpowered her and then they were kissing in the kitchen
Fletch hugged her close. "It's so nice to be able to do this openly"
" sounds like we were rumbled ages ago. Do you think people at work have noticed"a horrified Jac wondered
Fletch laughed, " I actually don't care who knows"

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