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"So that's pretty much it" he let out a breath
" you've all been through a lot - I've just waltzed in for the easy part" she laughed
" come on Jac nothing about the time we began to be close was easy. Jasmine, raf , the shooting, your recovery "
"Yes but look what we got out of all of that" she leaned in and kissed him
" the reason I asked about nat is because I found this earlier " Jac reached forward picking up Ella's drawing from the coffee table.
"Oh erm OK. How do you feel about that?"
" I'm not sure. How do you feel about it? I mean you know I think your kids are great. I love them Fletch. But I don't want to replace Natalie "
"Aw babe . They love you too. I think the little ones just see the tv version of a family . Mum, Dad and kids. It doesn't mean they have forgotten about Nat. Just means she's not here anymore and you are. Kids adapt more easily than we give them credit for. They don't overanalyse things, it's just simple to them. You're daddy's girlfriend like mum was. Kinda proud of you for not freaking out Naylor"

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