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It was the day of court hearing to decide on the 2 adoption cases. Jac was now back at work,on reduced hours at first, but she and Fletch had decided to take the day off. They decided to take a walk up to the bar where they first admitted they liked each other as more than friends. It was a warm late spring day and they walked along hand in hand.
Bringing the drinks back from the bar Fletch commented "quite a bit has happened since the first time we came here eh?"
"Just a bit" she smiled "so pleased one of us was brave enough to admit they wanted to be  more than friends"
"Ah yes. I take full responsibility for that" said Fletch
"Well I raise my glass to you then Fletcher"
"I raise my glass to us Jac. Not been an easy road has it?"
"My relationships are never easy" she laughs
"So" said Fletch taking a sip of his pint "when do you want to set the date for this wedding?"
"I see no point in hanging around. As long as I can find a dress that doesn't make me look like a complete tit" she said " I'm not exactly blushing bride material"
"Well" he leant forward so he was whispering in her ear " if you need a hand picking out the wedding night lingerie I'd be happy to help" he smirked
Jac playfully batted him away " but then you don't get to unwrap a surprise" she said coyly
"Urgh god. You're too sexy. You're killing me"
She just smiled sweetly and sipped her wine
The sound of Fletch's phone ringing made them both jump. Taking hold of one of Jac's hands he answered it
"Yes speaking"
"Yes, uhuh , of course yes, that's great thank you" he hung up
"Well?" She said impatiently
"It's done" he grinned "all approved. Just need to sign the papers"
They both stood up and hugged in the middle of the pub. "That's such good news. I'm so happy" Jac said " I can't wait to tell the kids - we need to celebrate tonight"
"Yes. What shall we do? Out for tea?"
"I'd like to stay at home. Our family home" she grinned
"You know , you're right we should celebrate something like this at home"m
"Oh Fletch it's just, i'm just.... speechless "
"It's a miracle " he said earning himself a punch in the arm
"Come on" she said excitedly,practically jumping up and down let's go and buy some presents for the kids then go home and get things ready before we go and collect them all"
He laughed "who are you and what have  you done with Jac Naylor ?"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now