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"Good Morning my little Rottweiler" Fletch said setting down the breakfast tray he'd brought up for her
She growled and barked. He laughed out loud
"God I love you" he said leaning over to kiss her "Hey you"
"Jesus Fletch stop it"
"Stop what?" He gave her a soppy grin from under his sexy bed head hair
He sprang up "toast's getting cold"
"You're like tigger"she laughed
"DAD, JAC IT'S THEO. COME QUICKLY " shouted Evie from downstairs. They were both out of the bedroom and down the stairs in a flash. "We're coming" called Jac
They crashed into the living room to find Theo jerking and twitching, eyes rolling to the back of his  head, he was unresponsive and pale.
"0k" said Jac taking charge "let me in, he's having a fit"
Evie choked back a sob
"Hun it's ok. He's burning up" by now Jac had diagnosed a febrile seizure "sometimes when you're little it can happen if you have a temperature"
"Fletch get everyone else out, Evie and I can deal with this" she said softly
Fletch also knew how to handle this particular condition but appreciated that Jac was trying to involve Evie who had found him having the fit and was scared..
"Come on you lot"
"Ok we just need to make sure he's on his side, that there's nothing around for him to hurt himself on and just support his head. Don't try to hold it still just cradle it with your hands against you knee"
Evie did as Jac told her and seemed to calm down a bit. Trusting the doctor who was now like a mother to her
"It'll be over very soon" as Jac said that . Theo stopped twitching and began to open his eyes.
"Hey little man how you feeling "Jac said feeling his head " not very well mummy Jac" he crawled onto her lap. "Evie sweetheart go and ask Dad for some calpol for your brother please"
Evie entered the kitchen. Unconcerned, the rest of them were munching cereal.
"How is he ?" Fletch asked
"He's stopped shaking and has come round Jac's asked for some calpol for him . Oh you've already got some out."
"Yeah Evie I do know what to do as well" he smiled "you did great" he hugged her " make a nurse of you yet"
"Doctor" She said indignantly.
He laughed "one's enough in the house"
They both went back into the living room to see Jac sat on the sofa gently soothing Theo who was sat on her lap
"Hey"he said. Got some calpol and a thermometer"
"Hey mate I need to stick this in your ear a minute" fletch pulled a silly face which made his youngest son giggle
"Let's see how things are after the calpol" Jac said "we can take him in after that if you want"
"Unless things change dramatically, I don't really see the point in dragging him down to Holby just to have some wet behind the ears F1 look him over when he has his very own world renowned consultant in his living room " said Fltech
" I mean it Fletch we can take him in later. It's different treating one of your own children" she smiled up at him.
Wow thought Fletch. Just wow. His heart swelled with love for her and their family

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now