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It was Christmas Eve. She and Fletch had just finished setting out 5 piles of presents and filling 5 stockings to put in bedrooms. The little ones had put out a mince pie, sherry for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer. The level of excitement among the kids had been ramping up all day. They had a family Chinese takeaway for tea and then spent hours persuading little people to go to bed.
Finally it was peaceful.
"Can I give you one of your presents now?" She said
" ooh that sounds a bit saucy" said Fletch
She punched him in the arm
One day just after she and Emma had moved in, the seven of them were messing about in the kitchen. Fletch pulled out his phone
"Team Naylor/Fletcher selfie!" They jostled and giggled until they were all in shot and he clicked and saved that moment in time. That moment of new beginnings,happiness, love.
She had sent a copy away and had it framed and also a credit card style wallet print. One for his wallet and one for his desk. On the back of wallet print were the words.
- never in my life could I imagine this
Team Naylor/Fletcher
Love you so much
Jac x
Fletch opened the parcel she had carefully wrapped.
He looked at her unable to express what this meant to him.
"Jac this is ...I know how hard it was for you to let me into your life. Break down those walls of defence. We were so scared at the start of admitting our feelings about each other but this" he gestured to the pictures "we did it Jac we're making it work and I love you so much."
He pulled her into a kiss. This meant so much more to him than a picture because it was Jac. Jac Naylor messing about in his kitchen. Jac Naylor looking so happy Jac Naylor with her arms round his neck. He remembered that day - it ended with Jac Naylor in his bed and in his arms after they had shared tender love making
" well you know if it's on your desk it might put off all the agency nurses that fancy and flirt with you"
" don't be daft no body fancy's and flirts with me ....except hopefully you" he kissed her hand which was entwined in his
" are you blind Fletcher? Some of them look ready to jump your bones or lick your feet"
He laughed out loud
" you're jealous" he teased
" well of course I'm bloody jealous but ..... " she paused to kiss him "I know I can trust you which is new for me with my hospital romance track record. And besides I could take any of them in a fight"
Fletch smiled and just hugged her tight " yeah you could"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now