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She woke to Fletch stroking her hair. "Jac time to get up babe "Ugh really? Don't want to" she pouted "somebody kept me awake last night' she elbowed him in the ribs
She eventually got to work. It wasn't the same whilst Fletch was off sick. He planned to come back next week. She missed the stolen moments in one of their offices and one time in a store cupboard- she blushed at the memory of both realising that what they had started in her office couldn't be finished there or postponed to later so had to go to the store cupboard.
Luckily, given her lack of sleep, there were no surgeries booked for today that Frieda couldn't do. Jac could just be on hand to offer supervision if needed. There was a mountain of paperwork to cope with so she was stuck in her office. She took her glasses off and was just pinching the bridge of her nose when there was a knock on the door
"Come in" She said expecting it to be Frieda
"You've got a nerve showing up here today " she told Jonny as he walked in looking very sheepish
" I had to apologise in person Jac. I am mortified"
Jac rose from her desk. "Sit down" she gestured to the sofa
"Bet you're in the doghouse with Mel" she smirked
"mmm just a bit. God it's a few years since I've been in here" he looked around " the impenetrable inner sanctum of Jac Naylor"
"Alright Maconie enough reminiscence"
She raised a quizzical eyebrow
"Ok I'm so sorry about last night, I was totally out of order turning up like that. I didn't wake any of the kids did I?"
"Not that I know of. Look jonny I'm very busy are you done?" She said coldly
"Well no I haven't. I spoke to Mel about the adoption. You know she thinks it's a good idea"
"yes she said last night"
"Well she's right . I know that Emma is happy at yours and Fletch's. I just think it was shock and I didn't want to admit it to myself. But being a parent is about putting the welfare of the child first not trying to score points off their mother. Realistically nothing will change day to day will it"
"I did try and tell you that" she spoke softly which was uncharacteristic when it came to Jonny
" I won't oppose the adoption Jac"
"Thank you" She said sincerely
She couldn't resist teasing him " we'll just gloss over the bit where you wanted us to try to again for Emma , that I was beautiful and try to kiss me" she laughed
He cringed. " I only have vague recollections of that. I do remember being kneed in the balls" he paused " I deserved that. I also assume you didn't tell Mel as she didn't mention it, which she would have done. Believe me"
"She didn't need to know" Jac said simply
"So you're really happy then?"
"Sickeningly so, yes"
" I'm honestly pleased for you" he got up to leave "I spoke a lot of rubbish last night Jac but you are still beautiful. I won't mention that again. See you tomorrow, I'll drop Emma off at around 7pm after tea"
"OK" she said reddening at his compliment

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