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He lay awake listening to Jac's regular breathing. Her present had touched him so much. It was almost unbelievable that Jac Naylor could be that sentimental and yet it was true. He drifted off to sleep around 2am

4.15am - "he's been, he's been" Emma, Theo and Ella jumped on the bed
"You must have all been good then" Jac said not opening her eyes
" look at what we got in our stockings" mummy Jac said the Fletchlings. Emma was used to that now and was not phased. When they first told her that the younger Fletchers might call her mummy Jac Emma , looking exactly like her mother, folded her arms and said " that's fine but don't expect me to start calling Fletch daddy Fletch or daddy adrian" Jac had hugged her and whispered " good girl Emma "
"Mini me" he had laughed

" Dad can we go down yet?"asked Ella
" we agreed 6am. You have a digital clock in your room so you need to wait til it says 06.00 and then you can wake the other two up. Try and get back to sleep or play with your stockings not too much chocolate before breakfast " he laughed as they trooped out
He leaned over and kissed Jac's bare shoulder "happy Christmas Jac" " mmm" she murmured. He snuggled down and amazingly they managed to doze off until 6am when the onslaught began again. No escape this time . He and Jac dragged themselves downstairs but were soon wide awake and in the midst of squeals and 'thank yous' and comparing presents
They sat on the sofa surveying the scene. Jac had her hand resting gently on his leg, his arm around her shoulders . "This just feels right" he thought
"What time is Jonny due?" He asked
" around 9 I think" yawned Jac "I guess I should go and get ready"
" well that's up to you babe but in the Fletcher household we don't get dressed on Christmas Day!" He laughed
" I love this family" she declared
" right I've got sprouts to peel and turkey to cook " he insisted on cooking the dinner "I'd better get on"
" sure you don't want a hand" Jac said half heartedly
" absolutely sure" he said and kissed her lightly before heading to the kitchen

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