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"So I had a visitor today" called Jac kicking off her shoes and hanging her coat up
She made her way to the kitchen where Fletch was making paella for tea. She put her arms around his waist from behind , leaned her head against his back and inhaled. He smelled of washing powder and cologne
"Mmm hi " he said "who was your visitor?"
She let him go and stood to the side putting the kettle on.
"Jonny? He's got a cheek hasn't he?"
She laughed . I never get tired of hearing that laugh he thought as she carried on
"That's what i said, any way he was mortified, sorry. Blah blah blah. Long and short he's not going to oppose the adoption. Oh and he still thinks I'm beautiful" she added cheekily
He stopped stirring the pan " he didn't try anything on did he?" Fletch felt his stomach clench
"Of course not. And you saw what I did to him last night when he tried"
"Yeah" he said " I did" he put his hand briefly over his groin and winced. He pulled her into a hug
"That's great news about the adoption"
"Yeah it is" she kissed him. "Do you think the kids will even be bothered?"
"Hmm" he hugged her and chuckled "probably not. I mean nothing is gonna change day to day. It's important for us though, it's symbolical"
"It's just ....it's everything I never had and always wanted. Everything I might have had with Jasmine. A proper family" he hugged her tighter. It's no wonder she was broken he thought
"Fletch have you had any thoughts about where you want to get married?"
He shook his head "Still getting over the fact that you agreed to marry me when you could have had your pick"
He grinned
"I picked you" she  hit his arm "anyway" she carried on " what do you think about the hospital chapel? The hospital is as much a part of this relationship as we are. Also my side of anywhere is going to be very empty, at least the chapel is small and people might pop in whilst on shift if we have it there."
"I'm going to ask Sacha to give me away" she added
"That's a great idea. I thought I might ask Mikey to be best man. That's cute right? I also think he's going to get 'bridesmaided' out" 
Jac thought back to the conversation they had about Raf being the best man. She reached up and stroked his cheek
"What about asking Essie to be a witness? Next best thing to having Raf there"
He swallowed hard, determined not to cry. It's ridiculous how much he loves this woman he thought
" I'd like that"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now