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What on Earth' s going on, he thought as her heard a man's voice raised in anger. He recognised the Scottish accent . Jonny. What does he want
He grabbed his dressing gown and limped his way to the top of the stairs and slowly made his way down.
He got to the bottom just as Jonny was telling Jac she was beautiful and saying she should make a life with him and their daughter, then he tried to kiss her. He was just about to intervene when she kneed him causing him to collapse on the floor at her feet. That woman was phenomenal he thought.
" you need to leave Maconie" he said barely holding back his anger
But then he sat and listened to Jac tell Jonny about her love for him and letting herself be loved in return. His heart swelled with love and affection for this amazing, strong but damaged woman. He hoped he and his family could continue to heal her and make her feel safe.
Then Barbie turned up looking ready for the catwalk. 'So false and plastic' he thought and not a patch on Jac's natural beauty in his opinion.
Jac got everyone sitting in the living room. Jonny slumped in an armchair, Mel on another and he and Jac on the sofa. He put his hand gently on her leg and was inordinately pleased when she covered his hand with her own and squeezed. Her hand that was wearing his ring
"0k" said Jac "I guess he's told you why he's upset" she looked at Mel
" yes. I can understand why he's a bit upset. Think it came as a bit of a shock to him. I probably didn't help when I said I thought it was a good idea"she smiled " and I do think it's a good idea. Emma is so happy here. I mean we love having her at ours but, look at me, I'm hardly the maternal type"
'I wasn't at your age' thought Jac, she was really young and attractive
"I do love Emma and Jonny adores her. You know that" they both looked at Jonny now drooling in the chair apparently passed out. Jac gave Mel a sympathetic look
"I don't want to take Emma away from him. Nothing day to day would change. In reality it's just paperwork and peace of mind for me in the event I wasn't here anymore. But I get it's more than a signature on a piece of paper . It's symbolic "
" I'll try and talk to him when he sobers up. I think he'll come round. He's going to be so embarrassed" said Mel
Jac decided not to add that he would also be sore from where she'd kneed him. Mel didn't need to know that he had drunkenly tried to kiss her.
Mel nudged Jonny. " Come on sleeping beauty let's get you home"
Between them Jac and Mel manoeuvred Jonny to her car.
"Will you be ok at the other end" asked Jac
"Oh if I can't move him he'll get a blanket laid over him and I'll leave him in the car"
" Barbie seems nice " said Fletch coming up behind her and placing his arms round waist.
" yes . Young, beautiful and surprisingly not a bimbo. Wonder what she sees in Jonny" Jac gave a small laugh
He placed his head on her shoulder and inhaled the smell of her hair
"I love you" he said "and I loved what you told Jonny"
He turned her round so she was facing him. "you know you have already blown my life apart...but in a good way. In the best way possible." He kissed her deeply " and you are more beautiful and sexier than Barbie"
She just smiled and returned his kiss. It was nearly 4am now but neither of them were tired now and they slowly moved back to bed to  finish what they'd started

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