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He was completely overwhelmed by Jac's actions. It was true, he'd never had any doubts about them living together but he respected Jac's anxieties and after all it was her that had left her home to be with him
" I'm so lucky he thought"
Jac's house sold very quickly and a few weeks later he and Jac were at her house trying to decide what to take to his house - sorry, their house, what to chuck out, what to sell and what to put in storage.
"This feels weird" Jac said going through the kitchen cupboards armed with a pad of post it notes"
"World's sexiest surgeon" Jac held the mug aloft "definitely bin"
"Well I agree with the sentiment"
Jac huffed " jonny bought it"
"Ah well definitely bin then" Fletch crossed the kitchen and stood behind her and wrapped his arms round her waist " I still agree with the sentiment - you are the sexiest surgeon " Jac leaned her head back .Fletch swept her red locks aside and began to place featherlite kisses on her slender neck " you do realise" he said , each word punctuated with a kiss "that this house was where we spent our first weekend" more kisses "and where we first ...."
"Mmmm" Jac said " I love it when you do that"
" I know... I was hoping it might persuade you to recreate a little bit of that weekend"
"It feels like a lifetime ago. I don't think we'd even admitted that we loved each other then. Although I think I already did"
" I know for a fact I did. I realised that one day out of the blue before we were together" He moaned as she turned in his arms and pressed herself against him.
"Bed?" He asked
Jac shook her head "here"
" you naughty girl ..."

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now