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Angela was talking to each of the children in turn in the living room. They are back in the kitchen. Fletch was perched on a stool with Jac standing between his legs her hands at his waist
"How was that babe" he said knowing that she would have had to talk about her difficult childhood
"Obviously brought back some old memories I would sooner forget. And some more recent ones"she laughed softly "but without them we wouldn't have this would we" she gestured between them
"No we wouldn't. Give us a cuddle then"
Evie came in looking for s drink having just seen Angela
"0h get a room" she said but she was smiling
"What did she ask you  and more to the point what did you say" Fletch asked
"0h you know how I felt about having an evil step mother, I told her how you lock me in a cupboard and make and do all the chores"
"Ha ha" said Jac " what did you really talk about"
Evie took a sip of her juice and leant against the kitchen bench "well she wanted to know things like what had changed since you moved in"
"And?" Jac and Fletch said in unison. Catching each other's glance
Evie rolled her eyes " I said that we liked you, loved you" she said shyly " I said that you were much better than Dad at helping me with homework"
"Hey" Fletch began "fair comment" he conceded
"She asked what Dad was like now. I said it was nice to see him happy again after mum, uncle Raf and everything. She asked about your accident and I told her how brilliant Jac had been with us all and she asked about Jac's surgery." She looked at Fletch "we didn't really tell you Dad but we were worried that she would die" her voice cracked "and she asked how we got on with Emma. We all love that mini me - she has the Naylor death stare perfected but just like yours none of us are scared of it and she usually just starts giggling when we tell her. She's cute Jac and we love her. She's family"
Jac moved to give her a gentle hug
"I think I've finished my sickening gushing compliments for the day" said Evie " I meant it all though Jac" she whispered and with that she left to do her homework
As she left Jac resumed her previous position with Fletch
"You're popular"
"Believe me that is a new feeling"
The other Fletchlings said pretty much the same as Evie. That the house was happy and the little ones referred to her as Mummy Jac.
Emma stated that she loved Fletch - he made her laugh and she loved living here and sharing a room with her Friendster Ella. "Can she be my proper sister now?" She asked
Angela smiled " I guess so sweetheart but you'll have to ask  mum and Fletch"
"I'm lucky" Emma said proudly "I have two Daddies who love me " I'm pleased that my mummy can be mummy for the others because they haven't got one anymore" her 4 year old logic was undeniable

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