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Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve she cringed. What she just did was scary and yet she didn't regret it. That came as a surprise - she just felt so safe with this man, it didn't matter if she made a fool of herself. So now she looked at him waiting for a response.
Fletch was speechless. Did her just hear right? Jac Naylor wouldn't laugh in his face if he asked her to marry him. Was there much point in waiting? If the shooting and the accident had shown them anything, if Raf and jasmine's deaths had shown them anything it was to grab what happiness you could and hold onto it.
After, what must have seemed a lifetime for Jac he said simply "Jac Naylor will you marry me?"
She laughed with tears in her eyes "Yes"
" Hey you said you wouldn't laugh" he teased and managed to pull her onto his lap.
"Be careful of your shoulder you loon"she smiled. In fact neither of them could stop smiling. They shared a lingering kiss
"Sorry there's no ring or special meal or hearts and flowers"said Fletch. It should be special he thought she deserves it
"This is so much better Fletch. Honestly. I don't need all that guff. It's you that I want. It's from the heart and spontaneous. I mean you're laid up, I'm hardly glammed up in my snoopy pyjamas. But this is real. I love you did  I mention it?"
"Actually you didn't. I love you too you know that right? Listen Jac I've told you how much I messed up with Natalie. But I meant what I said when I looked at those kids on the night she died- I was going to sort myself out. I'm no saint but I have tried and now. This" he kissed
her " is all I ever want. Have wanted for longer than I care to remember"
" me too. Took me a while to take that leap so glad I did "
"How do you think jonny will react?"
"Well it's actually none of his business really so I don't really care as long as it doesn't affect Emma"
" I can't believe you were ever together "said Fletch.
"Well we were but not really. Not like this. We hated each other at one point but we're civil now- most of the time" she smiled "for Emma"
"Did you know I was so done with relationships after him that I vowed no more nurses"
"No more nurses eh ? that worked out well for you . Are we not intelligent enough?" He teased
"Ugh you know I don't suffer fools gladly. You are not a fool Fletcher and if I'm honest with you the fact that Jonny is a nurse wasn't the reason it didn't work and he' s not as irritatingly persistent and tolerant as you"
"thanks...I think"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now