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Fletch sat at the nurses station on Darwin filling in patient charts. It was around 11.45pm
He checked his phone and saw a text from Jac
- go to my office on your break"
-what the hell are you talking about?
- just do it Fletcher
What he didn't know about was the plan that was hatched between Jac and their next door neighbour this afternoon. Sue had come round to thank them for looking after her cat over Christmas whilst she was away and stayed for a glass of wine with Jac
" so he's working tonight?" Sue asked
"Yes lots of various staffing problems so he has to go in and do a night shift he's just trying to get a couple of hours sleep now "
"Well that's a shame. It's your first new year together isn't it"
" yes" said Jac sadly"but you know, they'll be others"
" not another 'first' though. Listen hun why don't you surprise him. He must get a break. I could bring Ronnie (the cat) round and watch the kids. My other half will be asleep in front of the telly by 10 so actually you'd be doing me a favour. Stay all night if you want" Sue had said with a wink
Jac took another sip of wine and resolved to take Sue up on her offer.
Later she gathered a few bits together and headed off to the hospital. It was difficult sneaking into her office without being seen but she managed it
"Christ what am I doing" she laughed at herself. She felt pretty silly sitting in her own office with just a coat over some sexy lingerie, a bottle of non alcoholic wine, real wine to maintain her Dutch courage, strawberries and chocolate. This is exactly the kind of thing he would do she thought with a smirk to herself
- go to my office on your break
What is she up to he thought.
Jac got in position standing by the lamp at the end of the sofa with the food and drink laid out on the floor
The office was in darkness
Fletch gingerly opened the door
"Jac ?"
"Happy New Year Mr Fletcher " Jac said turning on the lamp and slipping off her long black winter coat
He was briefly speechless
"Wow. Happy new year Ms Naylor"
Jac giggled
"Are you drunk Jac" he said
" think I might be a bit. Dutch courage and all that. This is so cheesy and I felt really stupid now. Please fletch go and get me find scrubs"
" you'll have to hang on" he said showing her his watch 23.59 he pulled her in for a kiss. "It may be cheesy but it's very very sexy "
Beep beep beep
Fletch's watch announced midnight. " happy new year Jac" "you too fletch now go and find me some scrubs I have totally bottled this " he guffawed. " classic"
He was back very soon with some navy scrubs and they sat and ate the strawberries and chocolate and drank wine - non alcoholic for Fletch as he was still on duty.
" best new year ever" he said arms round her waist as she leant against him.
" god you must have had some dire ones if this is your best. Sitting on a ward with a tipsy woman wearing scrubs over very impractical and might I add uncomfortable expensive lingerie "
"Yes but I'm very fond of the tipsy women. I love her" he said feeling that familiar stomach flip that often happened when she was in his arms

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