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"How did you feel this morning?"
Oh god she's not going to answer me Fletch thought
Then Jac spoke
"If I'm honest I was going to pretend last night and this morning never happened but I can't and you're not going to let me are you" she said giving him a sideways glance
"Go on" Fletch said tentatively
"Last night after that horrendous shift, I knew that the only person who could make me feel better was you so I selfishly came round. When I saw Emma sleeping peacefully on your sofa I felt calm. Then you listened and soothed me, looked after me. I'm not used to letting people in like that. This morning when i woke up it felt nice I felt cared for." She paused "I don't know what this is Fletch but it scares the shit out of me"
Fletch released a breath that he didn't know he was holding and gently squeezed Jac's hand, encouraged when she didn't pull away
"We need to talk away from here. A drink tonight? Evie can babysit Emma if you don't have a sitter"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now