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It felt so good to have Fletch home because it didn't feel like home when he was in hospital. The kids were excited but had been told not to jump on him. They all drew pictures and wrote their names on his plaster cast.
Takeaway pizza for tea as a welcome home treat and Jac felt as if everything in her world had been re set. She tried not to dwell on how much worse Fletch's injuries could have been.
Finally when all the kids were in bed they cuddled on the sofa. Fletch's leg rested on a footstool.
"Hey you make a pretty good nurse" he said mischievously
Jac snorted " I am not a patronising bore"
He laughed " neither am I" he said
"Yes well you're the exception to the rule" you're the exception to most rules she thought
"And my mum thinks you're a nice girl!"he grinned waiting for the outrage
"So I'm a NICE NURSE now. I might as well kill myself " but she was smiling. She was pleased that she'd made a good impression on Fletch's mum and her nursing skills were reserved for him and him alone. Well maybe the kids but definitely not her regular patients.
"How are you feeling anyway"she asked placing a gentle hand on his chest "bit sore but so much better" his left arm was around her." I've missed this " he said kissing the top of her head
She smiled " me too"
"Hey sorry about the car" he cringed
" oh I'm loving the fletch mobile. I don't care about the car I care about you being hurt. I care about thinking for a couple of hours that we might lose you and feeling absolutely devastated. I think I was only able to keep it together because Evie was there"
" you and the kids were the last things I remember thinking of as I realised I was going to get hit"
She stifled a sob. They lay there a while longer fletch appeared to be drifting off of to sleep
" I wouldn't laugh in your face you know" she said her voice barely audible

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now