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"Shit" he thought " that's not gonna stop" he braced himself as the red car hurtled towards him at the junction.
" Adrian Fletcher driver of black Audi hit side on. Other driver possible drink/drive.
GCS 7.
Suspected broken R ankle, injury to R shoulder. Neck isolated at the scene. Superficial facial cuts and bruises
BP 180/90
Pulse 90"
The paramedics wheeled him through to resus
" Wait. Fletch?" Said Charlie, shocked to see the ex ED nurse being brought in like this. He called Connie over " it's Fletch"
"Ok usual bloods, can we get a line in. Stabilise that ankle. Book a CT scan ASAP"
" i'll ring next of kin and Jac" Connie informed Charlie
"Where is he?" Jac demanded bypassing the usual procedures for relatives. " excuse me madam I'm afraid you'll need to take a seat" said a young nurse.
Jac gave her a look of disdain "don't be ridiculous" she breezed past. Jac spotted Connie. " What happened, where is he?"
" he's still at the scanner, come and sit in my office both of you" she smile at Evie" hi Evie. You won't remember me but I met you when you were little and your Dad worked on here"
"Oh hi" answered Evie
" of course" said Jac. She hadn't even thought about him being brought into an environment where he had worked. She knew how that felt
"Sit down. Please " Connie said
" do we know what happened ?" Asked Jac taking hold of Evie's hand
"As far as we can tell he was hit side on by a drunk driver "
Jac took a breath " what are his injuries? " she said quietly
" well we'll know more after the scan but he's definitely got a shoulder injury. Probably broken ankle. He's been in and out of consciousness. His face is a bit bashed up. We'll check his neck in the scan. I'll come and get you when he's back from CT"
Connie touched Jac's shoulder as she walked out.

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now