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We still had an hour until we had to collect the little ones so we went to the pub for a quiet drink.
"No going back now then Naylor" he smiled reaching for her hand and stroking her knuckles.
It had taken Jac a while to be comfortable with public displays of affection but she now didn't care who saw them.
"Nope" she said "about that Naylor thing. What you said in hospital was wanting us all to be team Fletcher"
"Yes go on"
"Fletch, I can't change my name at work. Not to blow my own trumpet but, you know I'm kinda world famous" she blushed
"And that's not blowing your own trumpet!" He laughed
"I know you can't change your name Jac you have to stay hard ass Naylor but as I've said before when I get you home ..." he gave her a theatrical wink that made her giggle
"Look, here's what I was thinking"said Jac "anything professional I stay as Naylor, anything outside of work I'm Mrs Fletcher" she cringed. It sounded so cheesy
"Well I like the sound of that" he leaned forward and whispered right next to her ear "Mrs Fletcher" as he said this his warm breath on her neck sent pleasurable shivers down her spine.
"You're a bad man Adrian Fletcher. Anyway" she continued "on the same theme how would you feel if I officially adopted your children and you adopt Emma. That way if anything happened to either of us....." she looked at his horrified face " Fletch surely the last year has proved that anything can happen to any of us without warning. If anything happened to either of us then the kids would be able to legally stay together. And I want to change Emma's name to Fletcher- Maconie. "What do you think?" Said Jac nervously
"I think it sounds like you've given it a lot of thought and I think it sounds perfect. One thing- what's Jonny going to say"
"Hmm i've been kind of glossing over that bit o my head"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now