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Jac woke early. She'd left the ward at around 2am and crawled into bed having first thanked Sue and wished her happy new year
She was just stretching out smiling to herself
about her mad antics last night when her phone rang - she didn't recognise the number
"It's Connie Beauchamp. Jac, Fletch has been brought into the ED, he was in an RTC driving home from work. We found your number on his phone and-well you know as well as I do what the jungle drums are like in this place so i'd heard about you two "
Jac felt sick. Her mouth was dry
"Is he alright"
"We're not sure - he's gone down for a scan. Can you get down here?"
"Erm yeah. I just need to sort the kids out"
"Ok but be as quick as you can"
Connie hung up
She went into ice Queen mode. She couldn't think about the worst case scenario. She refused to begin to process Fletch being injured Needing facts instead of emotion. But god, inside she was screaming
"Ok" she said to herself " need to get organised"
She rang sue from next door,feeling guilty for waking her so early on New Year's Day. Sue was there within minutes. She made a decision to tell Evie and give her the option to go with her, asking Sue to tell the others the bare minimum.
"Ring your grandma Evie, make sure she knows and is on her way"
"Ok" said a terrified Evie "how are you so calm?" Said Evie watching Jac throwing things in a bag "it's like you don't actually care" Evie began crying
"Now listen carefully Evie Fletcher" Jac said pulling her into a hug. "I love your dad more than anything and the only way I can deal with this is by cutting myself off from my emotions. I am scared Evie. Now let's go."
They arrived at the ED in record time. Jac's parking space at the hospital had never been home to the Fletch mobile before. Usually her little Audi had the spot. Fletch had been driving that tonight

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now