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He had to ask. He knew deep down that it wasn't the case but he had to know for sure. What Sacha had said had been dancing around the back of his mind all evening but presented itself firmly at the front of his mind when they were alone walking home
He listened to Jac talk and then when she finished she kissed him tenderly. Everything she said reassured him beyond doubt. Don't cry Fletcher he thought to himself but a few traitorous tears escaped down his cheeks. Jac kissed them away
"Sorry" he said " usually me offering the reassurance " he smiled. "You asked me once why I put up with it, with you. You'd scared everyone else off but not me . Not yet you said. But most people don't get to see this side of you. I saw through the tough exterior and sarcastic cold heartedness and saw someone who was scared. I wanted to make it all better Jac. I'm hardly catch of the century for someone like you am I? I'm not rich or a world renowned neurosurgeon or...."
Jac put her finger on his lips "sshh" " first of all don't EVER remind me again of my brief dalliance with Guy Self" She shuddered "Biggest mistake of my life. Huge. You are a million times the man he will ever be and million times better for me. Don't ever doubt that I love you Fletch.? You're right though we are a crazy match. Who would put us together? I wouldn't have but maybe that's why it's so good and Fletch it is good - all of it. You, me,the kids, sleepovers in the living room, cheeky caresses in the kitchen and catching me half naked in my office" she laughed. He laughed too "now that I definitely enjoyed" he said drawing her in for a long deep kiss, his hands finding the bare skin of her back underneath that black blouse, Jac moaned softly then pulled away " let's go home" she said simply " we're childfree tonight. Why are we making out on a bench like teenagers who have nowhere else to go"
"Because Ms Naylor you are too sexy for your own good and I can't keep my hands off you. It's not my fault" he grinned " ok let's move if we must
They made their way home, arms round each other
Taking advantage of a quiet house, as soon as they got in the door, he had her pressed up against it. Kissing her fiercely with barely repressed need until they could no longer breathe.
"Oh my god" said Jac "that was so..."
" I know" he said and carried on , making slow progress up the stairs to their room. It was frantic and passionate and confirmed everything they felt about each other

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