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They left for work as usual the next morning, dropping the older ones at school breakfast club and Emma and Theo at the crèche. He followed her into her office when they got to the ward
" I'm just going to try to catch up with paperwork today so I'll just be in my office ok?"
Jac didn't speak but just hugged him. Trying not to cry she nodded.
"Go on I'll let you know"
He kissed her gently on the top of her head and left her office
He sat in his office staring blankly at the computer screen. He felt so helpless. He needed to be 'doing' something.
They had recently found out that they had to give the local council 3 months notice of their intention to adopt. He decided to get the ball rolling -all the while a voice in his head kept saying " in case she dies, in case she dies"
He clicked send with shaking hands . There would social worker assessments to engage in but now that Jonny was on board Fletch could see no problems.
They also hadn't set a date for the wedding. I can't do that without her he thought but I might just make enquiries how we book the hospital chapel and if we are able to have Lexi to perform the ceremony.
He was distraught to be thinking of all the things that needed to happen before.....if she dies
Jac had instructed Frieda to perform her electives list stating she had other work to do. Petrenko knew better than to question Jac so took the list without comment.
Waiting for Sacha's call was like waiting for the executioner. She called Fletch
"Has Sacha called?" He asked anxiously
"Not yet I'm going crazy here. Can you come and wait with me?" She hated herself for needing him so much but that was tempered by the fact that he would come. He would always come. Right from the beginning of their knowing each other-colleagues,friends,lovers,partners,fiancés he was always there for her. A single tear escaped down her cheek as he came in
"Hi" he said "I brought coffee"
They sat side by side on the sofa sipping coffee for something to do as much as anything. Fletch had his hand on her leg, her hand laying on top of his.
At around lunchtime Jac's mobile rang making them both jump. She could see from the screen that it was Sacha
"Hi Sacha"
"Jac, we have a slot in 10 minutes can you get down here. Everyone else will be on lunch "
"Yes we'll be there" she hung up and looked into Fletch's eyes
"Time to find out then"
Fletch pulled her into a hug "I'm here whatever happens. And we will get through it together "
With that they exited Jac's office and made their way down to the scanner

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now