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He had only split seconds between realising he was going to get hit and the impact but it was long enough for his last conscious thought to be of Jac and the 5 kids. His family.
He was on the ward now - his mum was sitting at his side
" you've got a good one there Adrian. Jac is lovely girl" his mum commented
He smirked to himself - Jac Naylor a 'lovely girl.' Ha she'll have fit when I tell her, she'll be highly offended he thought. But I guess this meant that over the months Jac had made a massive effort to get on with his mum and this thought made his heart ache with love for her.
Between them, Jac and Fletch's mum Julia had looked after the kids and juggled with Jac's shifts so that Fletch was rarely alone at visiting times and Jac with customary scant regard for rules would go down from Darwin anytime she pleased. Julia treated Emma exactly as if she were one of her own grandchildren
One night having checked in at home and FaceTimed a good night to everyone, Jac headed down to Fletch's ward.
Fletch smiled when he saw her appear on the ward. He was still stiff and sore but was improving daily. He was very occasionally confused but that was also improving. He remained on strong painkillers which made him drowsy but on balance he was itching to get home.
Their home
Jac gave him a soft peck on the lips and went immediately to the charts at the end of his bed.
"Stop being a Doctor for one minute" he chuckled " I thought you'd come to see me not my charts. Anyway I've already looked them over"
Jac huffed " I can't help it if I need to know that you're not being looked after by a bunch of half wits. You're too important to me for that. And it looks like they're gonna discharge you tomorrow"
"I saw that. Do you think we can manage? My shoulder's still a bit sore but I think I could manage crutches but I won't be able to drive for a bit so they'll be more landing on your doorstep I'm afraid"
She kissed him gently. " we are team Naylor/ Fletcher we can do anything"
Jac laid her head on the bed but kept hold of his hands. She was just drifting off to sleep when she heard Fletch whisper. "I wish we were all team Fletcher"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now