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" me too" Said Jac " do you think we should talk to them?"
" I think that that will make a bigger thing out of it . If it comes up we'll handle it Ok"
"Anyway you - I do take notice of hospital gossip. You kissed a lot of frogs before you met this prince didn't you ?" He teased
"Oh god" Jac put her head in her hands " I have made some monumental mistakes with men, had my heart broken and I broke some myself. Those walls were up for a reason Fletch. That and my crappy childhood "
"I don't care who you were with before me and your past is part of you. I love every part of you so I hope your heartbreaking days are over. You're stuck with me. And as you know " he said hands creeping up her t shirt " I am extremely difficult to shake off"
Jac kissed him deeply then pulled away "the kids are just in the garden, stop it" she chastised him
"Spoil sport " he said huffily.
"Come on help me clean up"
What he didn't tell Jac was that for the little ones he had subconsciously started viewing her as 'mum'. When did that creep in? He wondered
" hi" Evie called as she breezed in. " anything to eat I'm starving"
And there it was relaxed normal family life. Who cared about labels on roles

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now