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She looked so small and broken. He saw her wipe away a tear when she was looking at Emma but it felt too much of an intrusion to comment on it so he made his presence known and took the tea in.
When she had told fletch about her day it was pure instinct and need to comfort the woman he loved that he gently touched her arm. Such an innocent gesture but he thought they both felt it had a bigger meaning., mused Fletch. Jac being in his home, her daughter asleep on the sofa- it felt like things were different.
Jac gave a deep sigh. Fletch steeled himself and took a chance "would a hug help?" He was relieved when she gave a small nod and he enveloped her in a hug. Fletch doubted that there were many times that Jac had allowed herself to be comforted by another human being and he was pleased that he could.
Soon he noticed that her breathing had become slow and steady. She was asleep.
"Now what do I do" Fletch muttered to himself

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now