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"Hi" shouted Fletch as he heard Jac letting herself in the front door. He stood up to greet her. Oh good slightly tipsy Jac is brilliant
"How's Sacha" he asked helping her off with her coat
"Wanting to know all about us"
"Oh yes?" He said putting his hands around her waist "and what did you tell him"
"Now that would be telling Fletcher" said Jac bopping him in the nose
" oh ok so how do I make you tell me Naylor?" He began by tickling her and loving the way she squealed and then he stopped and was stroking her side and then began with a slow gentle kiss that they both sank into and became deeper and more desperate. They both knew where this was heading.
"Mmmm are the kids in bed" Jac murmured
"Uhuh " Fletch confirmed now nuzzling her neck which always made her weak at the knees.
They made their way upstairs and carried on what they had started in the hallway.
Afterwards as they lay in each other's arms Jac said sleepily "I need to get up early so I can go home and get some clean clothes for me and Emma" she snuggled into Fletch further" I love you Fletch" and drifted off to sleep
" love you too Jac" placing a kiss in her hair. But Fletch couldn't sleep . He wanted more from this relationship, he didn't want Jac and Emma living away from them but he knew how fiercely independent she was. Little did he know what she had been thinking in the pub

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