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I wish I could stay like this forever she thought. Wrapped tightly in Fletch's arms everything felt better
"You should have told me Jac" he said gently stroking her back
"I'm sorry"she whispered "I didn't want to worry you and if I kept it to myself it was easier to ignore.Easier to carry on as if nothing was wrong. Easier to be in denial"
He hugged her more tightly, wanting to protect her from all this.
"I don't want the kids to know anything until we know what's happening"
"Ok babe"
"I'm going to see if Sacha will agree to scan me. He operated on me last time. He knows the potential diagnosis and I don't want half the hospital knowing."
"Jac ...."
"No Fletch, some things are more private than others. I don't care who knows about us now - including student nurses" she laughed "but you know I'm still me. Ice queen , don't show any weakness"
" how did I ever break through those walls ms Naylor?"
" through sheer persistence. You wore me down Fletch until I had no choice." She paused "so glad you did" she reached up and kissed him. "Come on let's go down, they'll be wondering what we're doing or imagining us doing something that we are not!"
They went downstairs and Jac stood in the doorway of the living room and saw all 5 of them watching s Disney film. She had a lump in her throat. She couldn't bear to lose all this. Fletch came up behind her. Reading her mind he circled his arms round her waist " it's gonna be alright"
The weekend passed slowly
Jac phoned Sacha on the Sunday evening and explained everything that was going on. Sacha as always was lovely, calming and reassuring
"How's Fletch" he asked at the end of the call
"scared but being great with me"
"I'm so pleased you have someone this time" he said
"Me too Sacha. So you'll let me know tomorrow if you can get a scanner spot?"
"As soon as I know I'll call you. Can you make sure you're not performing surgery because it will be a last minute slot "
"Ok , I'll think of something. Bye and thanks"
"Sacha?" Fletch asked as she hung up
She nodded " he's going to try to get a scanner slot last minute tomorrow. I just need to persuade Petrenko to do my list. Will you be around?" Jac didn't want to appear needy but god she needed him there
"You've really got to ask? Of course I'll be there. Try and stop me" Fletch tried to make light of it but he was more scared than he had ever been in his life

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