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Well we certainly enjoyed saying goodbye to the house thought Jac blushing even though she was by herself.
Evie was out with friends, Mikey was at football practice and Fletch had taken the little ones to soft play
She was sat in bed with the cup of tea he'd brought up before he left
"Have a lie in hun. You've been working stupid hours this week "
"Thanks" Jac said sleepily " wish you could join me"
"God don't tempt me. Unfortunately Billy's fun barn awaits my presence "
And so now here she was at home alone. She'd thought of this place as 'Home' from the first night she'd stayed on the sofa when they were still 'just friends' before she knew for sure if anything would happen between them. Her house that she'd just sold she realised was just that - a house, it hadn't ever felt like home.
Having eventually got up Jac went downstairs put some 80's music on and was dancing whilst tidying up. Clearing away the colouring crayons she picked up a drawing of the 7 of them her heart stopped when she saw Ella' attempt at writing mummy under her picture. None of Fletch's kids had ever called her mum, Emma hadn't ever called him Dad. It wasn't something they'd even thought about.
Jac resolved to speak to Fletch about it later. "It's probably nothing" She told herself " I'm sure they were just playing a game" but she couldn't get it out of her mind.

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now