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Fletch ran down to theatre and into the observation room. He suppressed a sob as her saw her on the table
He pressed the intercom "Sacha what's wrong?"
Sacha looked up briefly "Fletch what are you doing, you shouldn't be here"
"Sacha" Fletch said desperately
"Fletch I'm nearly done here go up to ITU and wait please"
"ITU?!" Fletch was distraught
"Fletch would you please just go. You know she didn't want you observing now please leave" Sacha said forcefully
Fletch slowly turned round and made his way to ITU. After a short while Jac was wheeled in followed by Sacha.
"Fletch" Sacha touched his arm leading him to a quiet part of the ward
"We planned to do the procedure laparoscopically but there was a lot of scar tissue and adhesions from her previous ovarian cyst surgery so I had to revert to open surgery. We removed her left ovary and fallopian tube. It was tricky surgery in the end and she's going to be out of action for at least 6 weeks instead of 2. She's had major abdominal surgery. All being well she'll only need to be on ITU overnight ; she's poorly Fletch but I think she'll be absolutely fine. I honestly do but we just need to get her through tonight. She's gonna need you mate, she might not admit it but she will" Sacha gave Fletch a reassuring pat on the shoulder and made his way off the ward
Fletch texted his mum to say that Jac was out of surgery and he would be spending the night here
He went to Jac's bedside. It felt like it did after the shooting but now there was so much more between them. It was almost unbelievable what had happened to them over the past few months - nearly a year
She was aware of Fletch being there as she began to open her eyes. She smiled drowsily still under the effects of the anaesthetic.
He was sitting on the end of the bed rubbing the back of his neck. Just exactly as he had been after the shooting. He looked exhausted, her heart went out to him
"De ja vu" She croaked, he span round
"Jac- you're awake" he sounded relieved and over joyed. He squeezed her hand
"Where am I ?"
He sighed " ITU hopefully just tonight"
"ITU? Why for god sake "
" Jac, Sacha said there were adhesions and scar tissue from your previous surgery. He had to revert to open surgery. He removed your left ovary and Fallopian tube but it's going to be a longer recovery than you expected " he finished nervously anticipating her response
She considered this information for a moment. The old Jac would have kicked off. Furious
"I guess I'm not invincible after all" she smiled "I love you Fletch" she said drowsily and closed her eyes, her fingers still entwined in his.
" I love you too Jac" he laid his head on her bed and prepared for a very uncomfortable night ahead in a plastic hospital chair. But he didn't care - he was here with Jac and she was going to be ok
He was woken by a flurry of activity and numerous monitors beeping and sounding alarms

"What's happening Kelly?"he asked one of the nurses he knew rushing to Jac's bedside.
"We think she might be bleeding internally - she's going straight back into theatre. Please stay here Fletch. Why don't you go in our staff room, it's a bit comfier.Try not to worry " she said kindly as they wheeled Jac out looking pale and clammy
"Oh god.Please be alright " he whispered

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