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Jac tried to keep her anxiety and tetchiness in check over the next few days.
She could tell Fletch was worried and he seemed to be seeking reassurance all the time. Calling into her office several times a day with trivial requests or just blatantly to steal a quick kiss. At home he was very tactile at every opportunity. Jac understood - she would feel the same if he had been acting as oddly as she had.
Eventually the day of Fletch's birthday arrived. It was on a weekend and that meant team Fletcher/Naylor on their bed bouncing in excitement and he patiently unwrapped each present and read each handmade card declaring it the best birthday ever.
"Kids why don't you go downstairs and start getting breakfast ready" suggested Jac
"Ugh they're gonna be kissing - let's go" Said Mikey
When they left fletch looked at her quizzically.From under the bed Jac produced a box
"What's this you've already given me a present"
" it's an extra one" "come on open it" she said excitedly
Fletch slowly lifted the lid and pulled out the glossy pages wrapped in a white ribbon with For Sale written in it in red
He looked momentarily confused as he looked at the details of Jac's house and then his face cracked into a massive grin
"Really? Jac this is huge"
" I promised you six months. You had no doubts. Well turns out you were right" she smiled
Fletch enveloped her in a tight hug
"Wait is this why you've been acting weird over the past week"
"This was a big thing for me Fletch I was all kinds of nervous and doubt mixed with happiness. I was all over the place" she laughed nervously
"Gotta tell you I'm a little relieved. I was imagining all sorts"
"Such as..?"
Fletch was embarrassed "well you seemed to be shutting me out, going off me ..."
"You silly man. I love you more than ever" Jac said "that's why I've put my safety net up for sale just took a few days to get used to it and some organisation too"
"I just wish you had told me "
"I wanted it to be a surprise for your birthday. Messed up a bit sorry "
" No I love it, I love you. Now , about that kissing that they think we're doing...."

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now